Friday, March 25, 2011

Is It Ok To Put Vitamin E On Face

discover how to keep the DNA intact

A team of researchers from the University of Rochester say they have discovered the natural mechanism by which DNA replication correcting genetic errors. Scientists hope this discovery conducive to the development of drugs that enhance this mechanism, in order to protect largest proportions of DNA over time. This artificial genetic protection and would slow down the aging-related disease eradication, ensuring "healthy and sustainable lives." The drug could be ready in 25 years, researchers say. For Yaiza Martínez.

DNA contains all the genetic instructions that constitute us, and maintaining or not their integrity throughout life is a key part, though very complex, the aging process.

recently Scientists at the University of Rochester in the United States have discovered a natural mechanism for the preservation of DNA, opening up the possibility of developing interventions to improve the preservation of genetic information.


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