Do you know already: Why does Ursula von der Leyen not find Guttenberg sit at the cabinet table? Because the write off. In Berlin, laughed and scoffed the Abschreibaffäre the Minister to Guttenberg.
since Guttenberg's doctoral thesis at the end of the award, "Summa cum laude, received, there are now advertising for the top grade academic subject. And so the NZZ advertises "Summa cum laude - University of Bayreuth" for their Sunday edition.
The University of Bayreuth has been living with her well-known alumni : In a promotional film boasts of Defence, accompanied by gentle Music his old stamping ground in Upper Franconia, "You are faced with two choices. The first: What should I study? Jura. It's worth it. The second: Where? Without question, only one city: Bayreuth "advertises, Guttenberg to prospective students. [How long? - Editor's note]
The lyrics are literally the Frankfurter Rundschau and Werbewoche removed. The reference to the University of Bayreuth and the picture (screenshot) are taken New Zurich Newspaper - the author of the blog for copy and paste "takes no PhD.
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