(direct link to the video has since been deleted - here to News page (2nd video - about minutes 1:22)
Stuttgart/Freiburg.- The Freiburg fools are going on - and started with a highlight in the silly season: They awarded the honor cap Cat's tail to Prime Minister Stefan Mappus. The got away with the fool be fat.
"S 21 is a Jahrhundertbau, federal funding, if that's not smart!", Hear the Publishers

ikum of Mappus from the vat, and EnBW purchase: "The people
may not stand it when politics decision does not. "They are now
others tried sounding tones as presenter Stoffels furious satire recently, the applause for the new honor cap carrier remains for even more scarce.
subverts the end, he even . a veritable breakdown, the upper guild Vogt Markus Weber afterwards repaired in haste must "From Rothaus hundred liters of beer I leave you here," exults the father of his country -. apparently not informed that is drunk in this room exclusively Freiburg Ganter Beer The local competitor State Brewery is one of the main sponsors of the carnival Rufer. As Mappus be Gift announced Ernst Ludwig Ganter warp under his patronage of Fame cat tail cap just the face. Then he claps but with even ostentatiously, as if to say, folks, it's carnival, please do not take everything so deadly serious.
confesses in his speech to the fool Mappus also gets him, "tear's eyes (he tears the eye for non-South German) if he would think of S21. Was the thoughtlessness or more a tasteless reference to the demonstrators, the use of water cannon by the police in Castle Garden, on 30.09.2010 lost an eye?
Source: Badische Zeitung
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