Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Vga Cable Too Long 1080

Travelling with Juli and Fatih Akin in Turkey

" Dear, I have traveled thousands of miles, I've crossed rivers and moved mountains . I have lived and endured suffering. I have resisted the temptation and followed the sun to stand before you and say I love you. "

Bosphorus bridge in Istanbul, Turkey. Photo:

I started to travel since I can remember. Not physically of course, not smoking anything. But reading, watching movies and listening to stories of those who had been in other places. Hence I am a cinema fan, especially of those countries that cause my curiosity. One is Turkey.

This interest in the country that divides Europe from the Middle East took me to see a German film (directed by a Turk), whose central theme is the journey that makes a girl and a German guy from Hamburg to the Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul. Him for a woman and her for a man.

The film is titled "I'm Juli (Fatih Akin - 2000) and represents a real journey through several countries of central Europe. Along with Juli (Christiane Paul ) and Daniel (Moritz Bleibtreu ), actors, visited Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania. We see some aspects of the culture of these countries, we traveled by boat along the Danube and see different landscapes of this beautiful region of Europe to reach the symbolic bridge over the Bosphorus, which divides Europe from the Middle East in the mysterious city of Istanbul.

hitchhiking Juli on the outskirts of Hamburg
The film is the genre road movie, in a tone of comedy, which incorporates elements of romance and adventure. The spirit of "I'm Juli " is totally traveler, on the tape is a scene where he stops to ask Juli ride (ride, hitchhiking) on \u200b\u200ba road on the outskirts of Hamburg. While making the sign copn thumb explains to a friend: "Every year I do the same. The first person to stop decide where I will travel this summer ...." Is not this the youthful spirit that we get when we travel backpack? We've all been Juli, July, summer ever. Juli and skin change, including the ability to give another meaning to our lives.

Daniel and Juli at the Romanian border
Personally ever applied that phrase from the movie during the trip (few) I've done. But mostly I did what Daniel confesses the mystery woman who was waiting under the Bosphorus Bridge, this sunny July afternoon: " Dear, I have traveled thousands of miles, I've crossed rivers and moved mountains. I have lived and endured suffering. I have resisted the temptation and followed the sun to stand before you and say I love you. "

" I'm Juli "has a rating of 7.9 stars that have given users of the Internet Movie Database and director Fatih Akin has won several major awards. The film is easily downloadable from the Internet, through portals such as Portal or or blog. If you can not travel this summer, I'm Juli is a good choice to do with imagination ...

The soundtrack to I'm Juli is very good too. Here is the video where the character of Luna (Branka Katic ) sings a beautiful Turkish song during an evening on the beach in Hamburg:

More on Turkey

Photo and more on Turkey's blog MOTOTURISMO

Chronicle on Turkey travel blog Where do these go?

Fatih Akin

  • More on Fatih Akin here
  • More on Christian Paul (Juli) here

Video where Juli and Daniel travel from cops in a boat across the Danube


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