Saturday, March 27, 2010

70 Minutes Of Free Movies

Sellers violence: The Battle of Kruger

Bring a video camera in hand can turn into reporters or filmmakers in unexpected ways and even lead to fame. That happened to a tourist who was on tour in the Kruger National Park South Africa: As part of the recorded landscape discovered a shocking story: the struggle for survival between buffalo, lions and a cocdrilo.
The video entitled "The Battle of Kruger." The video has become one of the most visited Youtube is very intense and at times distressing. And despite the drama, the ending is happy. If one reflects on this video can be concluded that violence is inherent in certain aspects of life in the world, but also leads us to think that such violence has shades, types (symbolic, physical) and that its causes are diverse.

In If the video shows violence is caused by the need for survival of a species. The thing is, to see The Battle of Kruger one may end up thinking that human beings are probably the only exercise violence without apparent cause or meaningless. Instance, some muggers. Take someone's portfolio and before leaving, she stabbed or beaten.

Someone might say that this act has a meaning: to show power over the victim, but if one thinks that does not entail survival. It is an act essential to the life of the thief. It is gratuitous violence.

is curious that this video is an illustration of the struggle to live in this world and how we must accept that violence and membership in a group. Otherness is what unites and separates those who live here, we're human beings or animals.

I doubt that the tourist who shot this video in the South African savannah have thought in the discussions that create your presentation on YouTube. But now I know: the TV channel National Geographic released on May 11 a documentary on video and has spawned an entire line of merchandising. Violence sells, and sells very well.

Here the video. Lasts 8 minutes or so and some people may be at times unbearable. But incredibly, the end is what Hollywood.

Official Site "The Battle of Kruger "


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