Friday, December 25, 2009

Howto Prove Original Winnie The Pooh Sketches

La Prensa Missions: Record of SMS greetings during Christmas

Argentina .- Some 800 million text messages (SMS) were sent on Christmas Eve and Christmas Around the country, because of greetings and congratulations, according to a report provided by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses ( INDEC).

The SMS circulated among cell phone users because of the holidays throughout the nationwide network, although the cost of the message is more expensive than last year.

The figure far exceeded the number of messages sent daily: in October of this year circulated a total of 5,740 million SMS, up 13.5% more than in 2008 - which gives an average nearly 200 million daily.

But yesterday, on the occasion of Christmas Eve, the messages that circulated far exceeded the numbers recorded in the days of normal activity, despite the increases set by companies to users of around 57 percent.

Although the companies providing cellular telephone estimate there are between 37 and 40 million users, many people have more than one computer or one of them is not active.

Statistically, most people use computers in the prepaid system, although the cost of calls

Source: La Prensa Missions


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