Wednesday, October 14, 2009

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Twitter Blog Action Day: Effects of climate change in North America (including Mexico) according to U.S. science agencies

Today is Blog Action Day theme is global warming and therefore leave this post and several links to other post that we posted on this blog about climate change. Below we put a video that explains what the Blog Action Day.

Scientific Program The U.S. Climate Change and Research Subcommittee on Climate Change issued on 19 June a scientific assessment that provides the first comprehensive analysis to date the observed changes in the projections which will cause the rise temperature on the planet. Among the projections are:
warmer days and nights, along with the increase in heat waves. The cold nights are becoming less frequent.

In the coming decades, large sections of sea ice at the poles continue to fall and are expected to disappear in the Arctic Ocean in summer.
rains, on average, is likely to be less frequent but more intense.
droughts could become more frequent and severe in some regions.
is believed that hurricanes are likely to increase their ability to precipitation and wind.

During the cold season in North America, storms in the Atlantic and Pacific are likely to produce stronger winds and waves of much greater height.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change previously evaluated extreme weather and climate events worldwide. However, before this report was not yet a specific assessment of the situation that would deprive throughout North America (including Mexico).

Among the main conclusions of this assessment are that droughts, heavy downpours, excessive heat and intense hurricanes may become more common if humans continue to increase atmospheric concentrations of heat-trapping greenhouse gases . The report is based on scientific evidence that warming will be accompanied by global changes in the intensity, duration, frequency and geographic extent of weather and climate extremes.

"This report addresses one of the most common questions about global warming: what will happen to the extreme weather and climate? This evaluation examines this question across North America and concludes that we are now witnessing each more and more extreme weather, "said Dr. Tom Karl, director of National Climatic Data Center in Asheville , North Carolina (NOAA, for its acronym in English). The full report a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and brochures are available at the site of the report: NOAA-News and site.

global warming the past 50 years is due primarily to an increase in intensity of greenhouse gases caused by hombre.El NOAA plays a key role in the Scientific Program on Climate Change which is responsible for coordinating and integrating research, observations, support, decisions and announcements related to climate mitigation of 13 departments and agencies of the U.S. government.

The National Center for Atmospheric Research investigates climate, weather, and other topics related to the atmosphere. It is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and administered by a nonprofit consortium of universities, called University Corporation for Climate Research.

entradassobre More climate change issues in this blog:

Ke nia: the " climate refugees " Europe does not want
immigrants and polar bears
What would happen to
world if the temperature drops
6 degrees ? Inhabitants
of Kiribati (South Pacific Islander)
forced to be evacuated due to climate change

What is Blog Action Day ?


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