The news is not new: since mid-August the U.S. television network CBS announced that incrustarÃa video player in the ads for the new season of his series on the entertainment magazine Entertainment Weeky.
The result is curious, as seen in the video and is an example of the search for media innovation. Produced in partnership with Pepsi Max, CBS has called this new form of information dissemination VIP (for its acronym in English that means video-in-print or English video form).
As shown in the video, the VIP is similar to the greeting cards that have an audio and is activated when the person gets back to the page. Both audio and video are very good quality. You do not have volume controls and can result from Altöm volume, which may have intended to attract the attention of people nearby.
The result is curious, as seen in the video and is an example of the search for media innovation. Produced in partnership with Pepsi Max, CBS has called this new form of information dissemination VIP (for its acronym in English that means video-in-print or English video form).

This innovation is being tested, as the VIP only embedded in magazines aimed at subscribers Enterteinment Weekly in Los Angeles and New York.
As the public, VIP works better than the so-called E-ink (electronic ink). A device that allows paper has the characteristics of the banners that appear on Web sites (moving, for example) and Esquire magazine had on its front page October 2008 (see video below)
The truth is that technological innovations related to the media are constantly ... Video
Printed from Entertainment Weekly
the E-ink Esquire
With Wired information
As the public, VIP works better than the so-called E-ink (electronic ink). A device that allows paper has the characteristics of the banners that appear on Web sites (moving, for example) and Esquire magazine had on its front page October 2008 (see video below)
The truth is that technological innovations related to the media are constantly ... Video
Printed from Entertainment Weekly
the E-ink Esquire
With Wired information
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