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Friday, February 25, 2011
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order to send them on twitter here allows copy & paste seriously! # # CDU CSU FDP # # # SPD Green Left # # Guttenberg
Dear Chancellor,
as graduate students we are following the current discussion about the plagiarism allegations against the Federal Minister for Defence, Mr Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, with great shock and even greater lack of understanding. We have the impression that you are using all their power to hold a minister who, despite massive evidence to the contrary still gets the statement maintained that he had not deliberately misled in his doctoral thesis.
damage with this procedure, the Federal Government and the deputies of the coalition not only themselves, but much more.
Zu Guttenberg had already been in the last week to take apart several times previously protested his statements regarding his dissertation. The Internet community has made it in an unprecedented way to demonstrate a variety of unique plagiarism in the dissertation of Mr. Guttenberg. This evidence can be viewed by anyone and verifiable. It is hardly surprising that plagiarism experts agree that one can no longer speak of some "embarrassing mistakes." It is massive, systematic deception. Guttenberg has a large part of his dissertation - and apparently with great ambitions - and copied it and sources covered up, designed to obtain a doctorate, which he then promoted, not least at election posters. The University of Bayreuth was not able to dispel this charge. Given the size and number of plagiarism you know as well as we can at the end of that scrutiny by the University are only a result in terms of deception intention of the Minister. You can not do this "unconscious". designate
to this deception as such, it has nothing to do with the affiliation of the minister to a particular party. Even the politicians of the opposition we would demand the resignation as a minister, they had given their word of honor, their created independently and scientific achievement, even with using the specified resource, and then failed in spite of massive way against it.
zu Guttenberg on 23 February 2011 in the current session of the German Bundestag noted that he would be judged as defense minister only after his work. He has played it on a formulation by you that you would not employ him as a "research assistant".
This is a mockery of all the scientific support staff and all graduate students who are trying in an honest way to do their part to scientific progress. It lays about also suggests that it is the fraudulent acquisition of a Ph.D. is a minor offense all, and that the "academic honor" is irrelevant in real life.
In compliance with the rules of good scientific practice, it is not "footnotes", not for trinkets, which are negligible in the face of larger political problems. It's about the basics of our work and trustworthiness. We therefore strive in our own work to the best knowledge to meet these high standards at all times. If we do not, we run the (rightly) risk of being expelled from the university.
teach most of us In addition, younger students. Often it is our job to teach them the basics of scientific work. We keep the students here at this from the beginning to respect very careful to quote correctly and every resource to make marked as such. We do this not because we "footnote fanatics", or sit in the "ivory tower" and not know what counts in real life. It's simply about us, the understanding to share, so that scientific and social progress is possible only if one can rely on the honesty in the scientific community. Offend our students against this code, we are required to assess their examination performance as inadequate. If repeated violation threatens usually be de-registered. After such a decision is the likelihood that the parties concerned deal in many professions denied - even in occupations where the personal integrity may be less important than in the office of Federal Minister for Defence.
Maybe we are old fashioned and outdated represented conservative values, if we entertain the view that honesty and responsibility should be values \u200b\u200bthat should apply outside of science. Mr. Guttenberg seemed, until recently, that opinion to be.
research makes an important contribution development of society. Honest and innovative science is a foundation of prosperity in our country. If the protection of ideas in our society no more important value, then we lose our future. We expect no gratitude for our scientific work, but at least the respect that our work seriously. The treatment of the Causa Guttenberg as a minor offense suffering of science in Germany and the credibility of Germany as the "Land of Ideas".
but you may keep our contribution to society as simply negligible. Then we ask, however, will no longer be proclaimed by the by you speak to the Education Republic of Germany ".
Thursday, February 17, 2011
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Do you know already: Why does Ursula von der Leyen not find Guttenberg sit at the cabinet table? Because the write off. In Berlin, laughed and scoffed the Abschreibaffäre the Minister to Guttenberg.
since Guttenberg's doctoral thesis at the end of the award, "Summa cum laude, received, there are now advertising for the top grade academic subject. And so the NZZ advertises "Summa cum laude - University of Bayreuth" for their Sunday edition.
The University of Bayreuth has been living with her well-known alumni : In a promotional film boasts of Defence, accompanied by gentle Music his old stamping ground in Upper Franconia, "You are faced with two choices. The first: What should I study? Jura. It's worth it. The second: Where? Without question, only one city: Bayreuth "advertises, Guttenberg to prospective students. [How long? - Editor's note]
The lyrics are literally the Frankfurter Rundschau and Werbewoche removed. The reference to the University of Bayreuth and the picture (screenshot) are taken New Zurich Newspaper - the author of the blog for copy and paste "takes no PhD.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
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According to the Commission against Sexual Violence against Women reported 508 violations in the past year, in addition to 2,421 complaints of violence against women. And only in the first month of this year more than 30 rapes of women in that department "And the improvement of the security system supported by the Ministry of Interior in this department? A large staging.
On the other hand, according Walda Barrios, adviser to the Union of Guatemalan Women, now in Guatemala, femicide is the most extreme form of violence against women. He says: "There is a profile of the murdered, students, workers in the maquila, and an underlying message: in your house you better. We see a correlation between increased women's political participation and an increase in the killings. It is a punishment, "he adds.
The International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala said that in 2010 there were 847 violent deaths of women in Guatemala and more than 4,300 sexual violence cases assisted by forensic services. Impunity reaches 96% of homicides, according to UNIFEM, violence against women continues to be the human rights abuse more common in Central America. What do these violations and abuses of women's bodies in general Guatemalan yq'eqchi's in particular?
These violations Q'eqchi 'women are a disgusting invasion not only your body but your dignity. The body that is the intersection of all instances of culture, is the ultimate allocation of the symbolic field.
So their existence is sealed by a history of individual and collective violence. Individual stories of violence inherited structural frameworks of poverty and overcrowding, which is common to find abuse, physical abuse, emotional and sexual. And because there is collective including a history of violence against their bodies where they socialize and play practices and behaviors that were identified and constructed as women vulnerable and abused your body and soul. When used force their bodies for the pleasure of another, the bodies of these women Q'eqchi 'is the territory which is part of the patriarchal culture. Where is the Ministry of Interior, the Public Ministry, the white palayeras are sensitized by the death of a petty lawyer but are unable to denounce the injustices committed against these women's bodies Q'eqchi '. Where are the evangelical churches, Opus Dei and other "solidarity networks"?
How much are our lives and our bodies in a country like this, at a time like this? The Guatemalans are unarmed. The figures and failed to surprise us. The country is sinking and we with it. We unarmed, almost asleep. Memory. Handed over to oblivion, no interest in the history of what has made us who we are and be as we are, the uncertainty. Folly. No bigger than the savagery of the folly and indifference. Apathy makes us complicit in what we abhor. This time I implore not sit idly. Do not shut up their voices. Do not we silence his cries.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
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>> Stuttgart Stuttgart - The CEO of Deutsche Bahn AG, Ruediger Grube, has told the Stuttgarter Zeitung announced that the Construction work at the Stuttgart main station go. One plane but not a "cloak-and-dagger operation". People would be informed before it start. The web about it, the obligation to make the castle gardens is a sick and aging trees, and all other transplant to extend to other areas. "I'm not a blockhead," said pit, and proclaimed a new sensitivity to the Train: "If we can make things better, we are the last ones are not open to it." << train pit boss on 3 December 2010 in the Stuttgarter Zeitung .
On this day, the tree spade machine moved but already before 4:00 clock in the morning to continue the begun the previous day in protest Umpflanzarbeiten. Certainly, this was done to get the blockades before, and work undisturbed on the ground to the other will probably also be argued, they wanted the Wutbürgerinnen and Wutbürgern save the sight, as one of the most striking trees of the Kurt-Georg Kiesinger Platz ( placemark 30) was excavated. Very considerate. Gone is gone. A night and fog action but it is now anyway.
Note: Anyone who knows anything about the whereabouts of the Umpflanzopfers should report this. Twitter hash tag # s21