is really depressing to see how people no longer surprising in recent days by the TV and radio because of the "swine flu."
On Thursday evening Mr. Calderon gave a message to the nation saying who had been an outbreak of swine influenza virus which is a "new and incurable" and had already caused several deaths, he immediately said no go on the street, do not go to school, movies, to clubs, etc. But never said: "Do not be afraid." Of course, if all we seek.
reading a bit and of course, listening to the whole ball of nonsense they say on television, for example, found that the virus is the same that appeared a few years ago and was known as the "Asian flu", which is treatment a smokescreen to hide the dire economic situation that existed in Asia at that time.
The situation in Mexico is similar, the same Thursday night the Senate of the Republic was approving the initiative Bill to legalize drugs, thereby allowing the carrying of small doses of marijuana, cocaine, opium, crystal and other drugs, pardon my lack of attention, but I have not seen any news that they have talked about this and the law approval will be placed in the chamber of deputies the day tomorrow (Tuesday 28). This is the note of the millennium http://www.milenio.com/node/204108 newspaper.
Updated 28 April: The Act has been approved http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/notas/594310.html "It can carry two grams of opium, 50 milligrams of diacetylmorphine or heroin, five grams of cannabis sativa, indica or marijuana, 500 milligrams of cocaine, 0,015 milligrams of LSD (diethylamide); 40 grams of methamphetamine, mostly. "In theory, no one will manifest on the streets since the risk of catching influenza ...
Nothing serious right? Then another of the laws that were passed on Thursday 23 is the" law of Federal Police "with which he was awarded, inter alia, approving the following:
The use of plain clothes police officers in cases that warrant any investigation. (Bravo! undercover cops," civilian "armed robberies over and abduction with impunity)
The intervention of the phone calls. (Goodbye privacy)
The federal police to intervene and even now may retain e-mails if required.
They are given every facility for apply to private customers' personal information for purposes of his investigation.
The corporation will carry out surveillance, identification, monitoring and tracking on the public Internet on websites, in order to prevent criminal behavior. (Or rather to prevent coups, marches, civil movements, etc. Do not forget that the centennial of the Revolution is just around the corner)
This paper is available here http://sdpnoticias.com/sdp/contenido / 2009/04/23/382531
Moreover, on 18 April, the International Monetary Fund approved a loan of 47,000 million dollars that the government of Mexico requested to address the crisis, 47.000 million Bone U $ 47,000,000,000 or $ 658,000,000,000 Mexican pesos within a year, this means that if there was external debt, now there and big, but as always he who pays is the people, but returning to the topic, the news only the news was not talked about the risk posed by a loan of such magnitude and how it affects the population.
And the last reason to have created such a curable disease psychosis is this:
President Obama paid a visit to Mexico on April 16, how to speak? Some say that national security, the truth is that Obama came to close a deal (Northern Command) with which it is accepted that U.S. troops entering Mexico and gradually take over the territory, oil wells and reserves of underground aquifers. Damn! or the very same Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
This may well have been the cause of some marches, road closures, civil protests and even armed uprisings by the Narco, but it was calmed by the curiously timely influenza, so timely led government agencies (the unions) non-working people should not leave the streets and logical not to comment anything. The only thing I could do was stay at home with no other option to turn on the television and every 15 minutes to see any spot to prevent the flu, and every 2 or 3 hours any news all the time talking about the same.
Now it is an epidemic or State terrorism?
The following video explains more or less what we are experiencing at this time: YOU KE VERLOOOOOOOOO
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nNJM0kKrDQ or scan subtitle AS THE SHOCK DOCTRINE ... ..... MARIEL

about pandemic It is not usual to read my page, but this space is a place of art and social commitment, and it seems important that we talked a little about it.
I also know that the WHO (WHO) is an entity that should be reliable, but in truth, and justice, I must say that it is not.
Thousands of reasons support this belief, and one of them is money. PANDEMIC
And this is very timely.
The H1N1 virus has existed since at least 1918. In this "new" H1N1 is a small insertion of genomic sequences from an avian virus, (which has not been confirmed), but basically the structure is exactly the same as before.
influenza is not a common disease that is, it is clear that what we know as the flu is not.
One thing is for flu syndrome, which is what almost always suffer with decay, heavy congestion, bodily pain but rarely fever.
Another is the flu, which always has a high fever and malaise, and is only fatal in susceptible patients. Which is to say
? Over 65
immunocompromised chronic respiratory
The rest, ordinary people, it should not.
deaths of this "pandemic" has not been for the virus "new" but from complications, and my attention to magnify this, the most common in our country is that the person to consult in late and was complicated by pneumonia, and a baby like Texas is very serious pneumonia.
Many people, very much, do not go to the hospital early and only does so when such complications occur, and many more lack the ability to receive appropriate treatment, either because they have nothing to pay, either because the hospitals are overwhelmed by patients or, finally, that the doctors who do duty in small hospitals are not trained or for diagnosis or treatment of atypical pneumonia. And
least one child.
not said, nor has said throughout this circus mediaticus that the virus was the cause of death, as not clearly said in the case of avian flu.
Those few fatalities in the millions of cases of influenza per year are caused by secondary bacterial infection complication, and this is secondary to late consultation, and ignorance and poverty are the basic causes.
is talk of an epidemic or endemic, but nobody knows what happened in Mexico, USA, Europe and Argentina in 2007 or in the previous 10 years.
Or is that once we enter a hospital to patients with influenza-like illness? Jamàs.No
And sure, we analyzed virus NEVER before. Less than a flu syndrome.
not seek flu syndrome virus in 99% of Hospitals in Central and South Amèrica. Here he seeks
Canada, and report to Mexico, and major outbreaks WHO IN 7 DAYS AND ALARM LEVEL 5 in ten days.
About 23 million inhabitants of Mexico City, it is not known how many people died of respiratory complications after influenza in previous years, does not indicate whether viral genotypes of 2009 are different from 2008.
About 23 million people, 150 deaths from influenza pneumonia post will be an epidemic if there were no cases before, but the above is a vacuum of information.
not even know if the coverage of influenza vaccination in the elderly is adequate.
How many years old die of pneumonia Argentina post influenza?
FACT THAT THERE AS NO existed in Mexico.
If one becomes even more acute, remember that bought stocks of antiviral drugs for avian influenza are due in a few weeks, this is a true fact, as is that Europe has given these stocks to Mexico, and spend 600 million Euros only in France to replace their "reservations"
No 2008 data, no data on viral strains 2007 and 2008, without proper management of pulmonary bacterial infections that complicate influenza, for now, what I think is being said not serious . In conclusion
Amid the worst global economic crisis appears the pandemic of 500 cases of flu in the world, the pharmaceutical industry receive another transfusion, the masks were sold out and Tamiflu also, while we forget about everything else in Europe of the mortgage and dengue in Argentina.
So, with apologies, THE SWINE FLU (sorry ... can not say swine because the lords protested refrigerators) DO NOT HAVE TO HANDLE THIS HUMBLE MÈDICA LOGIC.
weeks ago I received information from the WHO warning, and I still receive daily, and say, guys, this does not stand or plaster.
For the rest of the pestecillas, yes, please, be clean. LES
ESPERO IMPARTIALLY analyze it and draw their
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