THE LEFT WITH THE LETTER Read it and tell me what YOU THINK
Charter General Obregon Humberto wrote to his son to meet
twenty-one days before being killed in 'La
Bulb' on July 17, 1928.

Beloved son
... The first thing men need to guide their activities in life and to protect and defend the circumstances are adverse and that through no fault of their own converge on his personality is classified. Qualify
has been a of problems whose scope are very few who know understand, you must therefore start and I'll do my experience auxiliarte.
You belong to the family of inept, that integrate with rare exceptions, the children of people who have achieved higher or lower positions, they become accustomed since childhood to get all sorts of treats, taking many things other children do not have and why they also lost the notion of the great truths of life and entering a world that offers it all without demanding anything, creating in addition, a sense of superiority that come to believe that their conditions are those that are creditors of that privileged position.
Those who are born and grow up under the aegis of the overhead, they are doomed by a fatal law to always look down, because they feel that everything around you is beneath the site that they have placed the vagaries of fate and any purpose they choose as the ideal of their activities, must be lower than the level where they are, whereas those who descend from the lower classes and develop in an environment of utmost modesty, are destined to always look happy above, because the whole scene around them is higher than the medium in which they act, both in the landscape of his eyes in the picture of his spirit and all targets their idealism, they have to look on planes always increased, and in the constant effort to get rid of the disadvantage in that the contingencies of life have placed them, strengthen their character and ingenuity rush, achieving in many cases, gain new skills that allows them to
ever upward trajectory.
ingenuity is not science and can not learn, therefore, an education center, means the best ally in the struggle for life and can not acquire those who have been forced by his own destiny, find it in the constant effort of its own powers.
Cleverness is not the heritage of children or young people have made no effort to acquire what you need. The value of things is determined by the effort made to acquire and when everything can be obtained without doing any, you lose the notion of what the effort is, it ignores the important role it plays in solving problems life and time is left over, takes us away from virtue and vice us about, and this is another negative factor
for those born under vantage points ... "
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