Qerido share this letter from reader Joan Manuel Serrat, who made me Lucki Liliana painter reach Argentina. I think the content is very important for all leave with him
is with a heavy heart that I write today. Estáardiendo Gaza. The border with Israel is under fire. Children in both ladosde the border are terrified, traumatized, wounded in body Yalman. Valuable lives are lost every minute! Blood Run! Abound pain and tears! Unfortunately
so it is familiar, too. I'm sitting in the night mitadde Catalan at home by the sea. That sea is ours, the Mediterranean, our culture, our people wandering, that of the homeless, homesick, builders, survivors. Our dreams are like waves, and dialogue with Laluna and stars on eternity.
Since that fateful day in 1995 when they assassinated Rabin, I spent much of my public life to sing and speak for peace between Jews and Palestinians.
peace process saw the rise and fall as the breasts of a mujerrespirando overnight. I saw many opportunities desperdiciadas.Lamentablemente much obstinacy, ignorance and narrow-miradasse crossed the road.
A foolish pride trampled many hopes. I sang and talked. Sometimes argued and hugged strangers. Many times I was moved to laslágrimas and I made friends unexpected. Borders quienescruzaría friends under fire for their protection. And today I digoesto: we have a common enemy, a terrible enemy, and we Queuña to beat him. That enemy is fanaticism, my friends.
That enemy is extremism in all its grotesque manifestaciones.Ese enemy is played by all those who put God porencima of life, who claim that God is your sword and shield Yque fight for him. All are victims of a horriblefanatismo. I often spoke against bigotry in my country because andhe detestable.
often risked my career and my being in this fight. Ahoraveo the ugly face of bigotry, I see blood in their hands yconozco one of his many names: Hamas. You know esteterrible monster. They know who raped your women and debases lasinocentes childish minds. You know that education for hatred and lamuerte. You know it is chauvinistic and violent, greedy yegoísta, and feeds on your blood while evoking the name deal in vain, was hidden as a thief and used to innocent human comoescudos, use mosques as arsenals, lies and fraud, andthe uses you hostage. I know that is true and that ustedeslo know! But they can not speak for fear.
But I can talk. I have the privilege of living in a democracy where women Noson objects, but ministers, where a singer sele can say what they please. I know you do not have that privilege (but estoyseguro that someday I will reach, Inshalla).
I know you are sick of being held hostage by esedemonio this terrible beast, who is in Gaza, but also enIrak, Afghanistan and elsewhere. But you are a pueblodestinado to flourish in peace! Its majestic history offers abundantestestimonios of creativity in literature, science, music!
sometimes see on the streets, doing demonstrations in support of losmonstruos, shouting death to the Jews, death to Israel. But I think phenols. I know where your heart! Is where the mine conmis children, the earth, the sky, with music, with laesperanza. I know deep in your hearts you deseanla defeat of the beast called Hamas who has terrorized yasesinado, which has turned Gaza into a estiercolero of poverty, disease and misery, and has sacrificed deorgullo its bloody madness and greed.
My brothers, I cry for you and by us. I weep for miscompatriotas suffering from ETA bombs dropped on todaspartes. I weep for the soldiers kidnapped and killed by lasfamilias mourning, for innocence lost forever. But lloroespecialmente for you because I know your suffering.
I only hope that Israel can make the task that must be made yfinalmente getting rid of this cancer of fanaticism called Hamas.Y hope that a remnant of compassion in their hearts there is still Paraque you stop using them and their children as human shields.
And maybe have a chance to walk slowly and give one to elotro shyly hands, look at yourselves in delágrimas filled eyes and choking voice say: "Shalom, salaam. No more. Yabasta, my brother."
Want some coffee? Stay a little, talk, know the words andthe songs and we know the path. Shalom. Salam. With a broken heart still yearns for love.
Vuestroamigo, JMSerrat.
very interesting document of a character who loves life and respects the human being
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