Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Piaggio Zip 50cc 4t Tuning

Joan Manuel Serrat Letter to the Palestinians in Gaza

Qerido share this letter from reader Joan Manuel Serrat, who made me Lucki Liliana painter reach Argentina. I think the content is very important for all leave with him

is with a heavy heart that I write today. Estáardiendo Gaza. The border with Israel is under fire. Children in both ladosde the border are terrified, traumatized, wounded in body Yalman. Valuable lives are lost every minute! Blood Run! Abound pain and tears! Unfortunately

so it is familiar, too. I'm sitting in the night mitadde Catalan at home by the sea. That sea is ours, the Mediterranean, our culture, our people wandering, that of the homeless, homesick, builders, survivors. Our dreams are like waves, and dialogue with Laluna and stars on eternity.

Since that fateful day in 1995 when they assassinated Rabin, I spent much of my public life to sing and speak for peace between Jews and Palestinians.

peace process saw the rise and fall as the breasts of a mujerrespirando overnight. I saw many opportunities desperdiciadas.Lamentablemente much obstinacy, ignorance and narrow-miradasse crossed the road.

A foolish pride trampled many hopes. I sang and talked. Sometimes argued and hugged strangers. Many times I was moved to laslágrimas and I made friends unexpected. Borders quienescruzaría friends under fire for their protection. And today I digoesto: we have a common enemy, a terrible enemy, and we Queuña to beat him. That enemy is fanaticism, my friends.

That enemy is extremism in all its grotesque manifestaciones.Ese enemy is played by all those who put God porencima of life, who claim that God is your sword and shield Yque fight for him. All are victims of a horriblefanatismo. I often spoke against bigotry in my country because andhe detestable.

often risked my career and my being in this fight. Ahoraveo the ugly face of bigotry, I see blood in their hands yconozco one of his many names: Hamas. You know esteterrible monster. They know who raped your women and debases lasinocentes childish minds. You know that education for hatred and lamuerte. You know it is chauvinistic and violent, greedy yegoísta, and feeds on your blood while evoking the name deal in vain, was hidden as a thief and used to innocent human comoescudos, use mosques as arsenals, lies and fraud, andthe uses you hostage. I know that is true and that ustedeslo know! But they can not speak for fear.

But I can talk. I have the privilege of living in a democracy where women Noson objects, but ministers, where a singer sele can say what they please. I know you do not have that privilege (but estoyseguro that someday I will reach, Inshalla).

I know you are sick of being held hostage by esedemonio this terrible beast, who is in Gaza, but also enIrak, Afghanistan and elsewhere. But you are a pueblodestinado to flourish in peace! Its majestic history offers abundantestestimonios of creativity in literature, science, music!

sometimes see on the streets, doing demonstrations in support of losmonstruos, shouting death to the Jews, death to Israel. But I think phenols. I know where your heart! Is where the mine conmis children, the earth, the sky, with music, with laesperanza. I know deep in your hearts you deseanla defeat of the beast called Hamas who has terrorized yasesinado, which has turned Gaza into a estiercolero of poverty, disease and misery, and has sacrificed deorgullo its bloody madness and greed.

My brothers, I cry for you and by us. I weep for miscompatriotas suffering from ETA bombs dropped on todaspartes. I weep for the soldiers kidnapped and killed by lasfamilias mourning, for innocence lost forever. But lloroespecialmente for you because I know your suffering.

I only hope that Israel can make the task that must be made yfinalmente getting rid of this cancer of fanaticism called Hamas.Y hope that a remnant of compassion in their hearts there is still Paraque you stop using them and their children as human shields.

And maybe have a chance to walk slowly and give one to elotro shyly hands, look at yourselves in delágrimas filled eyes and choking voice say: "Shalom, salaam. No more. Yabasta, my brother."

Want some coffee? Stay a little, talk, know the words andthe songs and we know the path. Shalom. Salam. With a broken heart still yearns for love.

Vuestroamigo, JMSerrat.

very interesting document of a character who loves life and respects the human being

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Right Side Of My Throat Hurts

letters 189 - What is Love? - answer a teacher of wisdom that:

From a child I've asked and I still can not find an answer. Finally, I have to explain it as the single-minded pursuit of self, to become everything possible, to become ONE with the universe, not excluding the good and evil, giving each man his place, since everything is relative and there each one by hand. In this illusion of reality, allowing me to view and present in every experience something more advanced for myself, I call it Love

In everything is the same. The source of Life is the sun and it looks for Life every moment to know more about yourself and then assimilated in the dark until the sun itself has to be open to new possibilities within the day and night. Love everything participates in contrast and comparison, to discover something more of himself. Throughout there is a glimmer of love in one of the magical towns that are close to Xalapa, the state capital of Veracruz, in the chapel of one of its temples dedicated to Santa Maria Magdalena, a statue of Mary Magdalene at the foot lying the crucified Christ wearing her jewels that locals will change every year, for the sheer love of the Son of God.

The notion of being is too short to know all the possibilities, that leads men and women to seek their significance through their children and sought, in accordance with the cultural rules of their game, to perpetuate them. Especially the woman who is able to attract and convert the Sacred Word in flesh, through his own body, according to their beliefs and, indeed, out of necessity. A childless woman finally feels out of reality. Then there are the cultural traditions that continue to prepare their children for the same standard.

meantime, what do the children? Rifles and wrists, according to a well-known poem by Juan de Dios Peza. They are prepared to be attractive. Them to fight, to overcome what prevents them from moving and to love them their children. This will maintain cultural traditions and daily life and living, all in the name of the love of parents to mothers, children to parents, family and society. With all the attractions of hatred and mistrust.

course there are people who is at your own risk to escape the routine and if you have guts enough, eventually achieved success to confront the same, at higher levels, whether for power or the circumstances that offer some beliefs methodize in the name of love. When a mystic proclaims ... Whenever there is a hole in your life, fill it with love ... This saying the same thing. Or when a mother gets to suck the blood of a leprosy patient, doing so on behalf of Love is fulfilling the same, at a level intended to be superior. Is present in all the love Why?

And in the Holy Initiation Real and where is the love? In all, to start and finish. When a man or a woman, after fulfilling all that must be fulfilled in life, something will be done and it's all in the name of Love When a Man - usually it's easier - is released once all requirements imposed by society, in search of himself why do it? "For the simple need for adventure?, Is doomed to failure. I always find it difficult to award bad feelings of others, or others. You have to love yourself ... of course with the help of some revelation or some signal that ultimately say the same thing: What do I need? The answer, in one way or another is easy: find myself.

I need to be healthy, and already aware, find out what is missing from my consciousness. Saber, Saber course. Who knows? A Master Anyone? No, a teacher who has encountered something similar to mine. Where? That which is is most unlikely. But we must try, at not very high indeed. Something we have at hand, or at least close. I lasted fifteen years looking for a Master of Yoga. At last I met him one afternoon and told me

For what do you practice yoga?
Since you ask me, I will say that to see if I can get to agree with me, so get in line with other

Esperanza, enter the master.

Then about three months of practice, I met a true teacher who was not Yoga but many other things and not ask anything. I went to work. Progress discovered his enemies and mine did, for starters. Then I discovered they had many reasons similar to mine, but they were throwing the blame to another, because they believed that only was to find who to blame, and really were looking for, was far beyond their means.

course, threw me the enemies because it was closer to his level. But that is another matter, about which I have written a thousand notes and I will not get rid of him, even after death.

Well, it was by pure love, a disciple of the Master. And it had its rewards, of course: more work on myself, for starters. After working on the other, until he found meaning in everything else. What else was it?: The sheer ignorance and we carry from all blame from everyone to be less ignorant others, and are dedicated to rummage among the stars, on behalf of Astrology, and search arguments to show that we are better, or elect, among others. Almost in a contest of lies that happen to other bills, yes, but in any case much love

The conclusion I drew from this is to draw a Way, or Path of Consciousness as the only way forward, what which is not mine but the Master of my Master. They are proposing in everything I do or write is not enough, someone must take the blame for what others forgot to ask. In this way I propose is to raise awareness of each one of the things we want to do. It's simple, really, but reality is nothing but a mirror of truth we all want to achieve.

Well for starters, I say that not just the love with which we do, we need to know where each other and so far no. That is progress because what is it for some is not for others. Total is pure Love

Sat Arhat José Marcelli Noli / jmn

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Piano Noten Für Mountain Biffy Clyro

Marta_del_Castillo was killed missing scientists predict

share this information I brought from another blog to try to find this child together. Thanks. Below is the blog of this information and the author

These days, Spain is shocked at the disappearance of a 17 year old in Seville, his hometown. Beyond the comments on TV news and newspapers, the alleged danger of the quasi-promiscuous chats too frequented by young people, I would go into the personal circumstances of their ill-fated co-stars involuntary, their parents and family in general.


Anyone who, like me, become a parent, accept how terrible it must be the disappearance of a child! Personally I think the disappearance of a child's death or something similar is regrettable and irreversibly affect the entire life of a parent. I will not enter here into the topic Social suffers more if the mother or father. In any case, the man should be reminded that, in general, it is harder to identify, manage and express their feelings in general, then behave publicly apparent and more objective and consistent than the mother, in a case of dramatic! Nor, at this stage of life, I will question the more physical union, domestic, emotional and spiritual mother and child! But, with a pain like that caused by the death of a child, all the words fall short and empty ... and no men or women able to bear it!

Is there anything worse than the death of a child?

Yes, certainly is much worse than the uncertainty of not knowing where that child is loved and absent. Always remember a good friend of mine, once educated on the uses and traditional customs of a family united and cohesive, and, after traumatic marital separation, one consequence was the rebellion of his child, who was introduced in the opaque world of drugs and left home to live as a squatter, ie homeless known for his traditional mother suffered, but she, for many months, did not know where her own son escaped and suffered in silence before the abandonment and ignorance of what kind of luck he lived his child, his strong faith in God and his personal courage, against all odds an educated person from childhood to a life of comfort and smooth, no doubt helped him to manage such a nasty human situation as a mother!

And, returning to the present case, that of Martha, the 17 year old teenager missing in Seville and still, today, at an undisclosed location, today I saw the strength of the father to the media, explaining the circumstances of the disappearance, telling how he takes days looking out the window waiting for his return and never wanted in the end, appealing to viewers to help them locate their missing daughter, the mother, who also appeared before the media with a heartbreaking voice has pleaded, tears and sobs on camera that he returned to his beloved daughter. I hardly think or feel in all its rawness, which from a few days ago, are feeling these parents of the missing girl. I have an 8 year old daughter and I can not not even imagine myself as a parent with a similar situation! I guess death is the latest suggestion put forward with such uncertainty, the mind is responsible for elucubrar prior to possible abductions, accidents, leaks youths. And the media away from the humane treatment of the topic, do not help dispel the doubts and the usual familiar pain, nor do the authorities, stubborn to demonstrate their exemplary and effective case management. But behind all this, after the gossip of the street and desperate and commendable actions of thousands of bloggers, Internet users and classmates of Martha, are the drowned feelings of parents who, helpless and unbelieving, can do no more to dream in the resolution of vital questions, at any price and any sense!

Posted by Miguel Benavent de B.