Al razor's edge is always walks, not to fall to one side or the other, which rope walker. Modernity and antiquity has always had the facility and those two polarities, or you fall to one side or you fall for each other, to learn to walk centered. Many deny the ease of communication that has become available to all and any guy she acesa few years. And puts them in contact with the undesirable, such as pornography and fraud. But it is also true that you contact the world's largest library, where you can study all you want without leaving home, and you can even work from home and deliver the work from there.
What I mean by this? we should not be scaring the ease of everything that modern technology puts us in our hands, because along with what we do not like this all the benefits to be gained from it. Only have to learn to use and steps to prosecute those in our care, for that use. WHAT
I welcome with great pleasure I see that thanks to technology people have stopped listening to listen to people who have a leg amputee are fitted with a prosthesis and walk, a move in a few hours a to another, communicate with people a distant and friends say. All within a few minutes. It's harder to hurt without them knowing the world because the world has eyes and big ears and presents our greatness and misery, and that forces us to be ever better, because we are being viewed from all sides. When the eye is enlarged to see everything that exists in the environment of the world try to be good, because we do not like being seen as bad. Really has its advantages in many aspects of modernity, we just have to have a great juggler on the basis of discipline not to fall over the rope or a knife edge.
The work ahead is each day become more aware of ourselves and what surrounds us and thus begin to take actions that are within our reach to perform adequately with life. If you add tiny acts of well-defendants in pro-life, as it is incumbent upon each one, at least we agree we will have all improved in the environment because every human cell is providing what it should. And so the gear will be in perfect tune. THE BIG ISSUE
The big problem is that all looked well out to see what others do and we forget that others also see if outside watching what I do not, the eyes should be and impartially in and see, which is what my responsibility and I'm not doing, if everyone looks like inside and realize what responsibility do in the body of humanity will not be waiting for other human cells do to do it. I see men and women talking about family and they and they have not been able to build an acceptable. I see men and women talking about honesty and a chance commit acts of dishonesty. Dishonesty is beginning to occur in such small things that do not give importance, but which are the building blocks for large deshonestidads.
Example: I remember an engineer, who mentioned that the children taught since childhood to be dishonest. He was standing in line to buy tortillas, suddenly comes a child making a funny and inadvertently gets on and says very proud That I'm ready! If this child comes home and tells his parents and siblings his powers, will laugh and say that my child is ready! bravo well done, and from there it inculcates the dishonesty and cheating when this kid grows up their acts are no longer in a row of tortillas, go to the doctor when the strategy used levers to move to other patients in his right to be treated according to the time of their arrival and shall be put first. When business does the same as he is like pattern will do the same with their empleaos, the less they pay better and smarter and the more we stop paying taxes in a tricky clever, and if comes to power will do the same. The seed started in the home to celebrate his actions. My friend the engineer said, "I thought this guy was in a lesson and when I regain my place and I said look how smart I am! It must respect the rights of others is not it? -.
Turning to the currency if we learn to see in ourselves what responsibility we do, and in our home we have to teach with words and supported by the example of course (it's funny to see the father say to the children - do not smoke, and they with a lit cigarette) the small and large fully leverage these tools and the will to serve mankind.
One could say that all human beings are walking falling from the thin sides of the road, which requires a balance in thinking, in love, in love, and of course in act in any thing or act is performed. The challenge is to begin to do in his own person and supporting those who wish to join, to do likewise. Our world and our brothers need our grief and our grievances, personal acts need to join each other to form a large body of acts conveniences all for all. If I suffer not help at all to others, only frustration and suffering caused to others, therefore I enjoy consciously acting in a way that others enjoy as they please me and begin to act as also aware, so that follow-conscious joy infection and is transmitted from one to another. The planet and our society does not require its residents suffer, the need happy and harmonious. People need not bitter because others do not care what his opinion should take care, caregivers need everything so naturally and transmit this knowledge to live naturally without pressure, in harmony and equality, a legacy that will be transmitted easily if those around us see us live, but if you just say and kick, that will also teach what to say and kicking, doing nothing and for the height to be unhappy. I share this reflection of me waiting to make resonance in my soul and yours and we all learn to take each day as well for life. CONCLUSION
I'm not perfect, but I try to do my best as far as possible in my experience of this way of life, and I hope you, whoever you are, you also get a little light to enlarge the already have and do what that you can and want to do, without losing sight of happiness. And why not? You turn a small light also act in my being, in order to enlarge the time that I have in me, my feet will fly as more successful.
A hug for everyone, this little thought but this in a blog that says education is not intended to teach anything, just share the vision of my window into the life that you look out for it and broaden your own, in the same way that I see the world better when I look for yours we share.
I hope your comments to enlarge my light
Celia Rivera Gutierrez Ciudad Obregon Sonora Mexico
December 12, 2008 Dear reader
annex the gift that made me a writer via e-mail for not knowing as management of these tools to everyone at some point we've worked hard to use.
Hi, Peter!
You forgive my impudence and intrepidity in throw to have a dialogue with you, but reading your blogs presentation of poetry on your charm to meet me ..... THE EDGE OF THE KNIFE. You
gifts there a flood of open-heart truth, naked reality, and with a clear message to the soul, fascinated and entranced me went on with your reading, I regret not knowing in depth the management of these spaces, because although some issues blur , and opened my blogs, I'm headless in the management of movement.
I tell you, little pale (and let me this humble expression) push start mine, strength, and my dear friend tezón Marisel of Chiapas, she is the mentor of my stay in this literary world, pulled his hand a couple of years related places such as El Patio De Poets site what got afraid of my pen, but like everything, startup costs, then you dare, and encourage and keep going.
romantic and I love what I point my missiles at him, with some success in my presentations, some of them to music, and other music itself, hoping to place on agenda of qualified interpreters. I'm in Buenos Aires
now, but with an eye in Madrid, in fact my English passport agency to have a certain autonomy there in my movements, if I top my wish. Girlfriend
Aztec, with broad strokes left a semi curriculum in your hands, I reiterate my forgiveness to dared to write, I would have loved to leave if you want to call my assessment of your site, but I can not do it and Marisel said. ....., Peter cheer and call upon me and not have a problem.
Also if you want to see how is my movement in poetry, or my pictures and so on, there I am in peter-hombredesol.blogspot.com (note that the reverse of my friends listed as Marisela and women of the moon ha ha ja. ) I release
friend and I take your soul ....¡ phrase I AM NOT PERFECT BUT ...., ATTEMPT!.
peterbambi@gmail.com peterbambi01@yahoo.com.ar
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