new year spam.
Dear reader I found the following post on the blog Goliardo whose link is as follows: seemed very interesting to reflect and has authorized me to put you in this educational site, which is for anyone who wants to share something. I leave him
Goliardo DICE:
always thought and said that as a human being, I felt shame and horror of the Holocaust, because myself loved the human race will have done this to other beings human. I always thought and said that racism is one of the most egregious forms of human savagery and backwardness. I always thought and said that animals are unable to do that to other animals. Perhaps, these statements forms are only commonplace, but the horror can not be a cliché, should scare us warmly, mobilize and engage, even in small acts that add up, eventually, or to raise a cry that one day eradicate the scourge forever the war in the face of the earth, or at least, the war ceases to be a big business that yields big dividends. Perhaps the latter is also commonplace, but there are times when common places they are still great truths.
I see on the news that in Gaza there are bloggers like us who are writing articles and editing images "live", hell they are living, literally under bombardment. At this news, all one can post from elsewhere in the world, seems a banality.
Because of our lack of lucidity, sometimes disguised in the garb of ideology, or the objectivity or the intelligentsia, in approaching this problem of international politics, we may venture an opinion justifying one of these two sides in struggle, and then give one reason or another, in absurd "arguments of coffee," thousands of miles apart are cultural and historical depths much more massive still. If warranted the state of Israel, we immediately caracaterizados surely as reactionary pro-imperialist (or pro-Zionist, inclusive). If, however, do the same with the Palestinians, other pro brands us as terrorists. In particular, I see things in a completely different way.
Israel met several years ago, and I have a very different set of views, they did change my previous preconceptions. I thought that Israel, basically, was a country, a religiously and culturally Jewish state. However, I found that throughout this small country, Palestinians and Jews live only separated by narrow streets, if not directly mixed. It is therefore difficult to draw a border that separates one side and another Palestinian Jews. In fact, if you walk along the beautiful Old City of Jerusalem, you will find traders from both groups, and even from diverse backgrounds, shouting their wares and bargaining in a mixture of languages \u200b\u200bthat transport us to the biblical Babel. But despite this, tension is permanent, and are always the Palestinians who are bearing the brunt. Unfortunately, Israeli citizens of Palestinian origin (which often are not ciudadadanía the country where they were born), are treated as permanent suspects, and suffer in their daily lives, abuses of all kinds. I had personal experience of traveling to the city of Bethlehem, a distance of few kilometers from Jerusalem with my family in a shared taxi (an old Mercedez Benz limousine turned into mass transit), in which four people were traveling more, besides the driver, all of Palestinian origin, including a Christian priest. Having left Jerusalem, and before entering Bethlehem, we stopped at a military checkpoint barriers, where they fall, at gunpoint, shouting in Hebrew (which is unknown, as in Israel, the entire Jewish population speaks Inges ) to all passengers, except to us, we show our passports through the window Argentines. I was struck by how the priest was treated even more aggressively than the rest. Arriving in Bethlehem we found a city "taken" by UN peacekeepers, who are inevitably hated by villagers, who suffer daily from mistreatment and abuse of these foreign troops of occupation. In the municipality of Bethlehem, Palestinian flag was hoisted, but the territory does not fall within Gaza and the West Bank, but belongs entirely to the state of Israel, but the town is overwhelmingly Palestinian.
The limits of this human geography are imprecise, and irremediblemente are linked. At the taxi, I realized that people living in Bethlehem, were traveling to work daily to Jerusalem every day and every day went through the same thing to us We turned a tense situation. Israel is a militarized territory to such an extent that one becomes accustomed to the constant presence of soldiers armed with rifles and green fagina uniform in all places where you go: on the streets, in cafes (sitting and talking at the next table), on public transport, in shops. Other times, you see them posted pointing to the people: this is a sure sign that one has crossed the sidewalk and entered Palestinian territory (within Jerusalem itself.) The fact that you can not disregard, is that citizens judíosgozan a high standard of living, while the socioeconomic conditions of the Palestinians are very poor.
is not my intention to propose an international policy debate widely exceed my chances, only intend to do a couple of thoughts, which, as stated above, involve running the axis of approach does not take sides with either of the two groups but to see the problem as an eternal conflict between the interests of political and economic power against civilians, against civilians, against the common people. It is fair to know that most of the Israeli population, ordinary citizens, want peace and integration with the Palestinians, and fairly well known that the same is true on the Palestinian side Why then peace and integration appear an unattainable utopia? It seems that both the power of one side as the other, peace does not suit them, and then sow and foment hatred, which eventually leads to a war where the objective seems to be that a group completely eliminated every human being the other group. And I think beyond nationalism, that is what we have to do in any armed conflict, a conflict of interests between two states (or in this case, between two terrorist organizations) where the real victims are ordinary people. Therefore, in this issue, I can not get for Hamas or the State of Israel, as both are interested in maintaining the conflict and sow more hatred and terror to further their interests. Of course, terrorism is always worse exercised by the state, and there will be historical arguments to justify the emergence of groups like Hamas, but I think it is a Byzantine discussion that would lead to a discussion of the type "and egg chicken? ". and ultimately, are political questions that never repaired on the victims who plant, which even called cynically as "collateral damage."
Above all this horror that can plunge us into impotence that leads to indifference, today I pay tribute to the other side of the coin, I think that shows a possible way forward in these circumstances. The homenajeinevitable is for a fellow in my opinion is more worthy of pride of Argentina, because while it is a true "citizen of the world." This is Daniel Barenboim.
Born in Buenos Aires on November 15, 1942, is an Argentine musician Jewish family of Russian, Israeli and English citizen. Achieved fame as a pianist, although it later has gained wide recognition as a conductor, a facet for which he is best known.
In 1952, the Barenboim family moved to Israel. Two years later, his parents sent him to Salzburg to take management classes with Igor Markevitch. Barenboim's debut came at the piano at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria [] in 1952, in Paris the same year, in London in 1956 and in New York in 1957 under the baton of Leopold Stokowski. In subsequent years the concerts have been held regularly across Europe, USA, South America and the Far East. His first recording dates from 1954.
Barenboim is music director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, a position he agreed in 1991 to replace Sir Georg Solti.
In 1999, along with Palestinian-American writer Edward Said, who was joined by close friends, founded the Orchestra of the East-West Divan, an initiative to bring together every summer a group of talented young musicians from both Israeli and origin Arab origin. Therefore, given both the Prince of Asturias Award in 2002. In 2004 he was awarded the Wolf Foundation Prize for the Arts in Jerusalem.
On January 12, 2008, after a concert in Ramallah, Barenboim also accepted honorary Palestinian citizenship. As the first citizen of the world with Israeli and Palestinian citizenship, Barenboim said he accepted it with the hope that it serves as a sign of peace between two peoples.
I hope my new status That Will Be an example of Israeli-Palestinian co-existence. I Believe That the Destinies of the Israeli people and the Palestinian People Are inextricably linked. Daniel Barenboim
long for my new status is an example of Israeli-Palestinian coexistence. I believe that the destinies of the Israeli and Palestinian peoples are inextricably linked. Daniel Barenboim
[Source: Wikipedia]
would be nice to think about this particular action, on our ability to commit themselves to causes near and far for which we can raise awareness even from our places, to encourage the development of a true universal consciousness for peace and for the true rights of the people against abuses and abuses of power, without borders. Let's do it ourselves, even from our seats, because we are not exploding bombs on our heads, nor do we to write from the rubble.
In this context, perhaps it would be frivolous to wish you a happy new year. Instead, oppose the power of our hearts that we do not wish for this coming year. So be it.
[Photo taken from, Source: AFP. The bodies of five girls between 4 and 17, belonging to the same family were pulled from the rubble after a bombing in Gaza]
Daniel Barenboim: Sonata "Claro de Luna" Ludwig van Beethoven. Third movement, presto agitato
Posted by Goliardo at 11:18 9 comments
Celia Rivera Gutiérrez
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Jack Astors Crab And Lobster Dip Recipe
Al razor's edge is always walks, not to fall to one side or the other, which rope walker. Modernity and antiquity has always had the facility and those two polarities, or you fall to one side or you fall for each other, to learn to walk centered. Many deny the ease of communication that has become available to all and any guy she acesa few years. And puts them in contact with the undesirable, such as pornography and fraud. But it is also true that you contact the world's largest library, where you can study all you want without leaving home, and you can even work from home and deliver the work from there.
What I mean by this? we should not be scaring the ease of everything that modern technology puts us in our hands, because along with what we do not like this all the benefits to be gained from it. Only have to learn to use and steps to prosecute those in our care, for that use. WHAT
I welcome with great pleasure I see that thanks to technology people have stopped listening to listen to people who have a leg amputee are fitted with a prosthesis and walk, a move in a few hours a to another, communicate with people a distant and friends say. All within a few minutes. It's harder to hurt without them knowing the world because the world has eyes and big ears and presents our greatness and misery, and that forces us to be ever better, because we are being viewed from all sides. When the eye is enlarged to see everything that exists in the environment of the world try to be good, because we do not like being seen as bad. Really has its advantages in many aspects of modernity, we just have to have a great juggler on the basis of discipline not to fall over the rope or a knife edge.
The work ahead is each day become more aware of ourselves and what surrounds us and thus begin to take actions that are within our reach to perform adequately with life. If you add tiny acts of well-defendants in pro-life, as it is incumbent upon each one, at least we agree we will have all improved in the environment because every human cell is providing what it should. And so the gear will be in perfect tune. THE BIG ISSUE
The big problem is that all looked well out to see what others do and we forget that others also see if outside watching what I do not, the eyes should be and impartially in and see, which is what my responsibility and I'm not doing, if everyone looks like inside and realize what responsibility do in the body of humanity will not be waiting for other human cells do to do it. I see men and women talking about family and they and they have not been able to build an acceptable. I see men and women talking about honesty and a chance commit acts of dishonesty. Dishonesty is beginning to occur in such small things that do not give importance, but which are the building blocks for large deshonestidads.
Example: I remember an engineer, who mentioned that the children taught since childhood to be dishonest. He was standing in line to buy tortillas, suddenly comes a child making a funny and inadvertently gets on and says very proud That I'm ready! If this child comes home and tells his parents and siblings his powers, will laugh and say that my child is ready! bravo well done, and from there it inculcates the dishonesty and cheating when this kid grows up their acts are no longer in a row of tortillas, go to the doctor when the strategy used levers to move to other patients in his right to be treated according to the time of their arrival and shall be put first. When business does the same as he is like pattern will do the same with their empleaos, the less they pay better and smarter and the more we stop paying taxes in a tricky clever, and if comes to power will do the same. The seed started in the home to celebrate his actions. My friend the engineer said, "I thought this guy was in a lesson and when I regain my place and I said look how smart I am! It must respect the rights of others is not it? -.
Turning to the currency if we learn to see in ourselves what responsibility we do, and in our home we have to teach with words and supported by the example of course (it's funny to see the father say to the children - do not smoke, and they with a lit cigarette) the small and large fully leverage these tools and the will to serve mankind.
One could say that all human beings are walking falling from the thin sides of the road, which requires a balance in thinking, in love, in love, and of course in act in any thing or act is performed. The challenge is to begin to do in his own person and supporting those who wish to join, to do likewise. Our world and our brothers need our grief and our grievances, personal acts need to join each other to form a large body of acts conveniences all for all. If I suffer not help at all to others, only frustration and suffering caused to others, therefore I enjoy consciously acting in a way that others enjoy as they please me and begin to act as also aware, so that follow-conscious joy infection and is transmitted from one to another. The planet and our society does not require its residents suffer, the need happy and harmonious. People need not bitter because others do not care what his opinion should take care, caregivers need everything so naturally and transmit this knowledge to live naturally without pressure, in harmony and equality, a legacy that will be transmitted easily if those around us see us live, but if you just say and kick, that will also teach what to say and kicking, doing nothing and for the height to be unhappy. I share this reflection of me waiting to make resonance in my soul and yours and we all learn to take each day as well for life. CONCLUSION
I'm not perfect, but I try to do my best as far as possible in my experience of this way of life, and I hope you, whoever you are, you also get a little light to enlarge the already have and do what that you can and want to do, without losing sight of happiness. And why not? You turn a small light also act in my being, in order to enlarge the time that I have in me, my feet will fly as more successful.
A hug for everyone, this little thought but this in a blog that says education is not intended to teach anything, just share the vision of my window into the life that you look out for it and broaden your own, in the same way that I see the world better when I look for yours we share.
I hope your comments to enlarge my light
Celia Rivera Gutierrez Ciudad Obregon Sonora Mexico
December 12, 2008 Dear reader
annex the gift that made me a writer via e-mail for not knowing as management of these tools to everyone at some point we've worked hard to use.
Hi, Peter!
You forgive my impudence and intrepidity in throw to have a dialogue with you, but reading your blogs presentation of poetry on your charm to meet me ..... THE EDGE OF THE KNIFE. You
gifts there a flood of open-heart truth, naked reality, and with a clear message to the soul, fascinated and entranced me went on with your reading, I regret not knowing in depth the management of these spaces, because although some issues blur , and opened my blogs, I'm headless in the management of movement.
I tell you, little pale (and let me this humble expression) push start mine, strength, and my dear friend tezón Marisel of Chiapas, she is the mentor of my stay in this literary world, pulled his hand a couple of years related places such as El Patio De Poets site what got afraid of my pen, but like everything, startup costs, then you dare, and encourage and keep going.
romantic and I love what I point my missiles at him, with some success in my presentations, some of them to music, and other music itself, hoping to place on agenda of qualified interpreters. I'm in Buenos Aires
now, but with an eye in Madrid, in fact my English passport agency to have a certain autonomy there in my movements, if I top my wish. Girlfriend
Aztec, with broad strokes left a semi curriculum in your hands, I reiterate my forgiveness to dared to write, I would have loved to leave if you want to call my assessment of your site, but I can not do it and Marisel said. ....., Peter cheer and call upon me and not have a problem.
Also if you want to see how is my movement in poetry, or my pictures and so on, there I am in (note that the reverse of my friends listed as Marisela and women of the moon ha ha ja. ) I release
friend and I take your soul ....¡ phrase I AM NOT PERFECT BUT ...., ATTEMPT!.
Al razor's edge is always walks, not to fall to one side or the other, which rope walker. Modernity and antiquity has always had the facility and those two polarities, or you fall to one side or you fall for each other, to learn to walk centered. Many deny the ease of communication that has become available to all and any guy she acesa few years. And puts them in contact with the undesirable, such as pornography and fraud. But it is also true that you contact the world's largest library, where you can study all you want without leaving home, and you can even work from home and deliver the work from there.
What I mean by this? we should not be scaring the ease of everything that modern technology puts us in our hands, because along with what we do not like this all the benefits to be gained from it. Only have to learn to use and steps to prosecute those in our care, for that use. WHAT
I welcome with great pleasure I see that thanks to technology people have stopped listening to listen to people who have a leg amputee are fitted with a prosthesis and walk, a move in a few hours a to another, communicate with people a distant and friends say. All within a few minutes. It's harder to hurt without them knowing the world because the world has eyes and big ears and presents our greatness and misery, and that forces us to be ever better, because we are being viewed from all sides. When the eye is enlarged to see everything that exists in the environment of the world try to be good, because we do not like being seen as bad. Really has its advantages in many aspects of modernity, we just have to have a great juggler on the basis of discipline not to fall over the rope or a knife edge.
The work ahead is each day become more aware of ourselves and what surrounds us and thus begin to take actions that are within our reach to perform adequately with life. If you add tiny acts of well-defendants in pro-life, as it is incumbent upon each one, at least we agree we will have all improved in the environment because every human cell is providing what it should. And so the gear will be in perfect tune. THE BIG ISSUE
The big problem is that all looked well out to see what others do and we forget that others also see if outside watching what I do not, the eyes should be and impartially in and see, which is what my responsibility and I'm not doing, if everyone looks like inside and realize what responsibility do in the body of humanity will not be waiting for other human cells do to do it. I see men and women talking about family and they and they have not been able to build an acceptable. I see men and women talking about honesty and a chance commit acts of dishonesty. Dishonesty is beginning to occur in such small things that do not give importance, but which are the building blocks for large deshonestidads.
Example: I remember an engineer, who mentioned that the children taught since childhood to be dishonest. He was standing in line to buy tortillas, suddenly comes a child making a funny and inadvertently gets on and says very proud That I'm ready! If this child comes home and tells his parents and siblings his powers, will laugh and say that my child is ready! bravo well done, and from there it inculcates the dishonesty and cheating when this kid grows up their acts are no longer in a row of tortillas, go to the doctor when the strategy used levers to move to other patients in his right to be treated according to the time of their arrival and shall be put first. When business does the same as he is like pattern will do the same with their empleaos, the less they pay better and smarter and the more we stop paying taxes in a tricky clever, and if comes to power will do the same. The seed started in the home to celebrate his actions. My friend the engineer said, "I thought this guy was in a lesson and when I regain my place and I said look how smart I am! It must respect the rights of others is not it? -.
Turning to the currency if we learn to see in ourselves what responsibility we do, and in our home we have to teach with words and supported by the example of course (it's funny to see the father say to the children - do not smoke, and they with a lit cigarette) the small and large fully leverage these tools and the will to serve mankind.
One could say that all human beings are walking falling from the thin sides of the road, which requires a balance in thinking, in love, in love, and of course in act in any thing or act is performed. The challenge is to begin to do in his own person and supporting those who wish to join, to do likewise. Our world and our brothers need our grief and our grievances, personal acts need to join each other to form a large body of acts conveniences all for all. If I suffer not help at all to others, only frustration and suffering caused to others, therefore I enjoy consciously acting in a way that others enjoy as they please me and begin to act as also aware, so that follow-conscious joy infection and is transmitted from one to another. The planet and our society does not require its residents suffer, the need happy and harmonious. People need not bitter because others do not care what his opinion should take care, caregivers need everything so naturally and transmit this knowledge to live naturally without pressure, in harmony and equality, a legacy that will be transmitted easily if those around us see us live, but if you just say and kick, that will also teach what to say and kicking, doing nothing and for the height to be unhappy. I share this reflection of me waiting to make resonance in my soul and yours and we all learn to take each day as well for life. CONCLUSION
I'm not perfect, but I try to do my best as far as possible in my experience of this way of life, and I hope you, whoever you are, you also get a little light to enlarge the already have and do what that you can and want to do, without losing sight of happiness. And why not? You turn a small light also act in my being, in order to enlarge the time that I have in me, my feet will fly as more successful.
A hug for everyone, this little thought but this in a blog that says education is not intended to teach anything, just share the vision of my window into the life that you look out for it and broaden your own, in the same way that I see the world better when I look for yours we share.
I hope your comments to enlarge my light
Celia Rivera Gutierrez Ciudad Obregon Sonora Mexico
December 12, 2008 Dear reader
annex the gift that made me a writer via e-mail for not knowing as management of these tools to everyone at some point we've worked hard to use.
Hi, Peter!
You forgive my impudence and intrepidity in throw to have a dialogue with you, but reading your blogs presentation of poetry on your charm to meet me ..... THE EDGE OF THE KNIFE. You
gifts there a flood of open-heart truth, naked reality, and with a clear message to the soul, fascinated and entranced me went on with your reading, I regret not knowing in depth the management of these spaces, because although some issues blur , and opened my blogs, I'm headless in the management of movement.
I tell you, little pale (and let me this humble expression) push start mine, strength, and my dear friend tezón Marisel of Chiapas, she is the mentor of my stay in this literary world, pulled his hand a couple of years related places such as El Patio De Poets site what got afraid of my pen, but like everything, startup costs, then you dare, and encourage and keep going.
romantic and I love what I point my missiles at him, with some success in my presentations, some of them to music, and other music itself, hoping to place on agenda of qualified interpreters. I'm in Buenos Aires
now, but with an eye in Madrid, in fact my English passport agency to have a certain autonomy there in my movements, if I top my wish. Girlfriend
Aztec, with broad strokes left a semi curriculum in your hands, I reiterate my forgiveness to dared to write, I would have loved to leave if you want to call my assessment of your site, but I can not do it and Marisel said. ....., Peter cheer and call upon me and not have a problem.
Also if you want to see how is my movement in poetry, or my pictures and so on, there I am in (note that the reverse of my friends listed as Marisela and women of the moon ha ha ja. ) I release
friend and I take your soul ....¡ phrase I AM NOT PERFECT BUT ...., ATTEMPT!.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Letter About Service Hours
Cuautla Ashram Images
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Teak Wood Shower Bench
share teaching contribution Antonio Azpeitia J
Good morning.
I want to share this vast and well-informed comment that my friend and poet J. Economist Azpeitia Antonio sent me for all those wishing to learn more how we live and we are immersed human blessed in the global economy, I do not know if he is the author of this document or not, the important thing is the knowledge that leaves us the person who in one way or another it affects movements economists of any power.
had opened this blog to keep in a bank as things that interest me learning from life itself in which I am immersed, so that's why they call teaching file, because we would file that teach me something. I never imagined they would let me lessons that must be exposed to those who wish to take them. So they share them with pleasure and invite those who want to add something of value to others do so as it did Azpeitia
Well here I leave with him
Azpeitia said:
As is teaching this blog, I have considered this addition interesting ... I hope your comments
CRISIS 2007-2008
1. For years, the interest rates prevailing in international financial markets have been exceptionally low.
2. This has meant that banks have seen the business that made them smaller:
• They gave a low-interest loans
• They paid something for the customer deposits (the deposit is zero if the current account and, moreover, charged Maintenance Committee, paid "unless something")
• But still, the net interest income ("a" minus "b") decreased
3. To someone, then, in America, he decided that banks needed to do two things:
• Give more risky loans, in which they can charge more interest
• compensate the lower margin by increasing the number of operations (1000 x little more than 100 x bit)
4. As for the former (riskier loans), decided:
• Provide a type of mortgage customers, the "ninja" (people without regular income, no fixed employment, no properties)
• charge more interest, because there were more risk
• Use the real estate boom was in the U.S. market
• In addition, full of enthusiasm, decided to grant mortgage loans worth more than the value of the house that he bought the ninja, because, with the said housing boom, the house, in a few months, worth more than the amount given on loan.
• This type of mortgage, they were called "subprime mortgages"
• They are called "prime mortgages" which have little risk of default. On a rating scale between 300 and 850 points, prime mortgages are priced between 850 and 620 points the best the less good.
• They are called "subprime mortgages" which are more likely to default and are priced between 620 and 300 the least good, the bad.
• Furthermore, as the U.S. economy was going well, the now insolvent debtor could find work and pay the debt without problems.
• This approach was well for some years. In those years, the ninja were paying the mortgage terms and also as they had been given more money than her house was worth, had bought a car, had made reform at home and had gone on vacation with family . This, surely, in installments, with the extra money they had collected and, in some cases, which were paid in a botched job or that they had achieved. 5.Primer
comment: I think that, so far, everything is very clear and it is also clear that anyone with common sense, although not a financial expert, you may think that if something fails, the bump may be important.
6. As for the second (increased number of operations):
• Like many banks were giving mortgages, they had the money. The solution was easy: go to foreign banks to lend them money, because something is globalization. Thus, the money that I, this morning, I joined the Central Office Savings Bank of San Quirico Safaja may be that afternoon in Illinois, because there is a bank which my Savings Bank has given my money to lend it to a ninja. Of course, Illinois does not know that the money comes from my people, and I know that my money would be deposited in an institution as I Savings Bank, began to be at some risk. Neither does the Director of the Office of my box, who knows, and presumably that would work in an institution. Neither does the President of the Savings Bank, which is only known to have invested some money of its investors in a major U.S. bank.
7. Second comment: globalization has its advantages but also disadvantages, and its dangers. The people of San Quirico not know they are taking a risk in the U.S. and when she starts reading there Subprime mortgages are given, thinks: "What do these crazy Americans!"
8. In addition, it appears that there are "Basel Standards", which require banks worldwide that have a minimum capital in relation to their assets. To oversimplify, the Balance of the Bank of Illinois is: ASSETS LIABILITIES
Money Money Box it has received from other banks granted credits
Capital Reserves
TOTAL X X million million
The Basel Accords require the Capital of the Bank does not below a certain percentage of assets. Then, if the Bank is asking for money to other banks and giving lots of credit, the percentage of capital on Assets Bank of the low and does not comply with the Guidelines of Basel.
9. You have to invent something new. And that again is called securitization: the Bank of Illinois "packages" of mortgages-prime and subprime-in packages that are called MBS (Mortgage Backed Securities, or obligations secured by mortgages). So, where once had 1,000 mortgages "loose" in the account "Loans granted, now has 10 packs of 100 mortgages each, in which there is everything good (prime) and bad (subprime) and in the Lord's vineyard.
10. The Bank of Illinois quickly sold those 10 packages:
• Where does the money you get for these packages? Va Asset, the account "Cash Money", increasing, decreasing by the same amount the account "Loans granted", so that the share Capital / Loans granted improvement and Bank Balance complies with the Basel Standards.
• Who buys these packages and also buy them quickly so that the Bank of Illnois "clean" their balance immediately? Very good question! Illinois Bank creates affiliated entities, the conduits, which are not companies, but trusts or funds, and therefore are not required to consolidate their balance sheets with the parent bank. That is, suddenly appear on the market two types of entities:
The Bank of Illinois, with a clean face, and the Chicago Trust Corporation (or whatever name you please put it) with the following balance sheet: ASSETS LIABILITIES
The 10 packages of mortgages Capital: what you pay for those packages
11.Tercer Comment: If any person working in the Savings Bank of San Quirico, from President to Director of the Office know anything about this, quickly look for another job. Meanwhile, everyone is talking about expanding their international investments, of which you see I do not have the slightest idea.
12. How are they financed the conduits? In other words, where do they get money to buy the Bank of Illinois mortgage packages? In several places:
• By credit from other banks (Fourth comment: The ball is getting bigger)
• hiring the services of investment banks can sell the MBS to Investment Funds, Venture Capital, Insurance, Financial a family holding companies, etc.. (Fifth comment: Notice that the danger is approaching us, not Spain, but to our family, because as animated by the Director of the office of San Quirico, go and put my money in an investment fund)
• The happens is that to be "financially correct" or MBS conduits had to be well-qualified agencies ratings, which ratings are based on creditworthiness. These ratings say, "This company, in this State, this organization can lend money without risk," or "beware of these other because you risk not being paid."
RATING: Rating of a company or an institution, made by a specialized agency. In Spain, the lead agency in this field is Fitch Ratings.
The levels are:
AAA, the highest AA
others, but very bad
a bank or large usually has a rating of AA
A Bank or medium, a rating A
• The rating agencies gave these ratings or were given other names, more sophisticated, but in the end, say the same thing: They called
: Investment grade MBS representing the prime mortgages, that is, the less risk (the AAA would , AA and A), Mezzanine, the intermediate (I guess maybe the BBB and BB), Equity to poor, high risk, ie the subprime, that in this shed, are the protagonists.
• Investment Banks placed easily the best (investment grade) to conservative investors, and low interest. • Other managers
Funds, Venture Capital, etc., more aggressive. sought, all cost, higher returns, among other reasons because these gentlemen come to the year-end bonus depending on the profitability.
• Problem: How to sell MBS of bad managers latter without being noticed too that they are incurring excessive risk?
• Sixth Review: The plot thickens and, of course, the Savings Bank of San Quirico continue making statements Expansion happy and content, discussing the proper functioning of the economy and Social Work are doing.
• Some investment banks were able, from a re-rating agencies (a re-rating, a word that does not exist, but serves to understand)
• The re-rating was invented to raise the rating of bad MBS, which consists of structuring in sections, which are called tranches, ordering, from highest to lowest, the probability of default and commitment to prioritize the payment to the least bad. Ie
I buy a package of MBS, which tell me that the first three MBS are relatively good, the three seconds, very regular and the three others, frankly bad. This means that I have structured the package of MBS into three tranches: the relatively good, very consistent and very bad.
I agree that if the tranche will not pay very bad (or as they say these gentlemen, if in the wrong section incur in default), but collecting some of the very regular and quite tranche of relatively good, everything will go to pay mortgages relatively good tranche, which automatically, this tranche may be rated AAA. Seventh
comment: in the "Comments IESE Economic Situation, January 2008, I've got most of what I am saying, we call this" financial magic "
• To finish rolling to San Quirico, these sorted MBS tranches were renamed as CDO (collateralized debt obligations, collateralized debt obligations), as they could have taken another exotic name.
Not content with this, the financial wizards created another important product, the CDS (Credit Default Swaps) In this case, the purchaser, who bought the CDO, assuming a risk of default by the CDO would buy charging more interest. So, bought the CDO and said, "if it fails, I lose money. If no failure, plus interest payment. " Following
inventions, created another instrument, the Synthetic CDOs, which have not fully understood, but gave a surprisingly high yield.
Moreover, those who bought the Synthetic CDO could buy very cheap bank loans. The difference between these interests very cheap and high yields of Synthetic operation was extremely profitable.
13. Coming here and hoping that ye not lost too much, I remember one thing that you may have forgotten, given the complexity of the operations described, that everything is based on the ninjas pay their mortgages and the housing market U.S. continues to rise.
14. BUT:
• In early 2007, U.S. home prices plummeted.
• Many of the ninjas realized they were paying more than their home was worth and decided now (or could not) continue to pay their mortgages.
• Automatically, no one wanted to buy MBS, CDO, CDS, Synthetic CDOs and those who already had failed to sell.
• The entire assembly was sinking and one day, the Director of the Office of San Quirico a neighbor called to tell him that good, that the money was gone, or, at best, had lost 60% of its value.
• Eighth comments: Go now to explain to the resident of San Quirico what the ninjas, the Bank of Illinois and the Chicago Trust Corporation. You can not be explained by several reasons: most important, because nobody knows where that money. And when I say nobody, I mean ANYONE.
• But things go further. Because no one-not-know the crap they have in banks that bought mortgage packages, and nobody knows, Banks begin to not trust each other.
• As they do not trust, when they need money and go to the interbank market, where banks lend money to each other, or lend it or lend it expensive. The interest that banks lend money in the interbank Euribor (Europe Interbank Offered Rate, or Interest rate offered on the interbank market in Europe), a rate which, as you can see in the term to 3 months EURIBOR this Dictionary, has gone up (now beginning to fall.)
• Therefore, the banks now have no money. Consequences: i.
noncredit ii. They do not give mortgages, so that Astroc, Renta Corporation, Colonial, etc., I start to go terribly wrong. And shareholders who bought shares in these companies, they see that the prices of these companies are falling sharply.
iii. The 12-month Euribor, which is the benchmark for mortgages has been rising, which makes the average English mortgage you have, start to sweat to pay monthly fees.
iv. As the banks have no money,
1. Sell \u200b\u200btheir holdings in
2. Sell \u200b\u200btheir buildings
3. Metamos campaigning for money, offering better
v. As people begin to feel squeezed by the mortgage payment, unless the Court is English.
vi. As the English Court notices, purchase least Mataró socks manufacturer, nor the ninja knew existed.
vii. The sock manufacturer thinks that as sold under socks, he begins to staffing and fire a few.
viii. And this is reflected in the unemployment rate, mainly in Mataró, where people start buying less in stores.
15. This is a dictionary of words. What happens is that the word "Crisis 2007-2008" is very serious. The title is misleading, considering that the crisis will end in 2008. Now comes another question: "How long will this last?
16. Well, good question, too. very difficult to answer, for several reasons:
• Because it still does not know the extent of the problem (the numbers vary from 100,000 to 500,000 million dollars)
• Because we do not know who is affected. It is not known if my bank, the lifelong, serious Bank and tradition in the area, has a lot of crap on the Assets. The downside is that my bank does not know.
• When in America, mortgages not paid by the ninja go running, that is, banks can sell foreclosed houses for the price it is, something worth the MBS, CDO, CDS and even Synthetic.
• Meanwhile, no one trusts anyone.
17. Ninth comment:
• Someone has described this as "The Hoax"
• Others have said that the Crash of 29, compared to this, is a game of girls in the playground of a convent of nuns.
• Many, many may have been enriched with the bonus that have been growing. Now, they lose their jobs, but the bonus will be saved somewhere, perhaps in a shielded enclosure that may be where more secure and protected from other financial innovations that can happen to someone.
• The financial authorities have a great responsibility for what happened. The Basel Accords, theoretically designed to control the system, have stimulated SECURITISATION up ends able to obscure and very complicated market to which it was intended to protect.
• The Boards of Directors of financial institutions involved in this great fiasco, have a great responsibility, because they have not heard anything. And that included the Board of Directors of the Savings Bank of San Quirico.
• Some rating agencies have been incompetent or not independent from their clients, which is very serious
18. End of story (for now): the main central banks (European Central Bank, the U.S. Federal Reserve) have been injecting cash flow for banks to have money.
19. Some experts say yes there is money, but what there is trust. In other words, the liquidity crisis is not a real crisis of trust of others.
20. Meanwhile, sovereign funds, or mutual funds created by states with resources from the surplus in their accounts (mostly from oil and gas) and the Funds of the United Arab Emirates, Asia, Russia, etc. are buying stakes in major U.S. banks to get them out of the jam they have gotten.
Good morning.
I want to share this vast and well-informed comment that my friend and poet J. Economist Azpeitia Antonio sent me for all those wishing to learn more how we live and we are immersed human blessed in the global economy, I do not know if he is the author of this document or not, the important thing is the knowledge that leaves us the person who in one way or another it affects movements economists of any power.
had opened this blog to keep in a bank as things that interest me learning from life itself in which I am immersed, so that's why they call teaching file, because we would file that teach me something. I never imagined they would let me lessons that must be exposed to those who wish to take them. So they share them with pleasure and invite those who want to add something of value to others do so as it did Azpeitia
Well here I leave with him
Azpeitia said:
As is teaching this blog, I have considered this addition interesting ... I hope your comments
CRISIS 2007-2008
1. For years, the interest rates prevailing in international financial markets have been exceptionally low.
2. This has meant that banks have seen the business that made them smaller:
• They gave a low-interest loans
• They paid something for the customer deposits (the deposit is zero if the current account and, moreover, charged Maintenance Committee, paid "unless something")
• But still, the net interest income ("a" minus "b") decreased
3. To someone, then, in America, he decided that banks needed to do two things:
• Give more risky loans, in which they can charge more interest
• compensate the lower margin by increasing the number of operations (1000 x little more than 100 x bit)
4. As for the former (riskier loans), decided:
• Provide a type of mortgage customers, the "ninja" (people without regular income, no fixed employment, no properties)
• charge more interest, because there were more risk
• Use the real estate boom was in the U.S. market
• In addition, full of enthusiasm, decided to grant mortgage loans worth more than the value of the house that he bought the ninja, because, with the said housing boom, the house, in a few months, worth more than the amount given on loan.
• This type of mortgage, they were called "subprime mortgages"
• They are called "prime mortgages" which have little risk of default. On a rating scale between 300 and 850 points, prime mortgages are priced between 850 and 620 points the best the less good.
• They are called "subprime mortgages" which are more likely to default and are priced between 620 and 300 the least good, the bad.
• Furthermore, as the U.S. economy was going well, the now insolvent debtor could find work and pay the debt without problems.
• This approach was well for some years. In those years, the ninja were paying the mortgage terms and also as they had been given more money than her house was worth, had bought a car, had made reform at home and had gone on vacation with family . This, surely, in installments, with the extra money they had collected and, in some cases, which were paid in a botched job or that they had achieved. 5.Primer
comment: I think that, so far, everything is very clear and it is also clear that anyone with common sense, although not a financial expert, you may think that if something fails, the bump may be important.
6. As for the second (increased number of operations):
• Like many banks were giving mortgages, they had the money. The solution was easy: go to foreign banks to lend them money, because something is globalization. Thus, the money that I, this morning, I joined the Central Office Savings Bank of San Quirico Safaja may be that afternoon in Illinois, because there is a bank which my Savings Bank has given my money to lend it to a ninja. Of course, Illinois does not know that the money comes from my people, and I know that my money would be deposited in an institution as I Savings Bank, began to be at some risk. Neither does the Director of the Office of my box, who knows, and presumably that would work in an institution. Neither does the President of the Savings Bank, which is only known to have invested some money of its investors in a major U.S. bank.
7. Second comment: globalization has its advantages but also disadvantages, and its dangers. The people of San Quirico not know they are taking a risk in the U.S. and when she starts reading there Subprime mortgages are given, thinks: "What do these crazy Americans!"
8. In addition, it appears that there are "Basel Standards", which require banks worldwide that have a minimum capital in relation to their assets. To oversimplify, the Balance of the Bank of Illinois is: ASSETS LIABILITIES
Money Money Box it has received from other banks granted credits
Capital Reserves
TOTAL X X million million
The Basel Accords require the Capital of the Bank does not below a certain percentage of assets. Then, if the Bank is asking for money to other banks and giving lots of credit, the percentage of capital on Assets Bank of the low and does not comply with the Guidelines of Basel.
9. You have to invent something new. And that again is called securitization: the Bank of Illinois "packages" of mortgages-prime and subprime-in packages that are called MBS (Mortgage Backed Securities, or obligations secured by mortgages). So, where once had 1,000 mortgages "loose" in the account "Loans granted, now has 10 packs of 100 mortgages each, in which there is everything good (prime) and bad (subprime) and in the Lord's vineyard.
10. The Bank of Illinois quickly sold those 10 packages:
• Where does the money you get for these packages? Va Asset, the account "Cash Money", increasing, decreasing by the same amount the account "Loans granted", so that the share Capital / Loans granted improvement and Bank Balance complies with the Basel Standards.
• Who buys these packages and also buy them quickly so that the Bank of Illnois "clean" their balance immediately? Very good question! Illinois Bank creates affiliated entities, the conduits, which are not companies, but trusts or funds, and therefore are not required to consolidate their balance sheets with the parent bank. That is, suddenly appear on the market two types of entities:
The Bank of Illinois, with a clean face, and the Chicago Trust Corporation (or whatever name you please put it) with the following balance sheet: ASSETS LIABILITIES
The 10 packages of mortgages Capital: what you pay for those packages
11.Tercer Comment: If any person working in the Savings Bank of San Quirico, from President to Director of the Office know anything about this, quickly look for another job. Meanwhile, everyone is talking about expanding their international investments, of which you see I do not have the slightest idea.
12. How are they financed the conduits? In other words, where do they get money to buy the Bank of Illinois mortgage packages? In several places:
• By credit from other banks (Fourth comment: The ball is getting bigger)
• hiring the services of investment banks can sell the MBS to Investment Funds, Venture Capital, Insurance, Financial a family holding companies, etc.. (Fifth comment: Notice that the danger is approaching us, not Spain, but to our family, because as animated by the Director of the office of San Quirico, go and put my money in an investment fund)
• The happens is that to be "financially correct" or MBS conduits had to be well-qualified agencies ratings, which ratings are based on creditworthiness. These ratings say, "This company, in this State, this organization can lend money without risk," or "beware of these other because you risk not being paid."
RATING: Rating of a company or an institution, made by a specialized agency. In Spain, the lead agency in this field is Fitch Ratings.
The levels are:
AAA, the highest AA
others, but very bad
a bank or large usually has a rating of AA
A Bank or medium, a rating A
• The rating agencies gave these ratings or were given other names, more sophisticated, but in the end, say the same thing: They called
: Investment grade MBS representing the prime mortgages, that is, the less risk (the AAA would , AA and A), Mezzanine, the intermediate (I guess maybe the BBB and BB), Equity to poor, high risk, ie the subprime, that in this shed, are the protagonists.
• Investment Banks placed easily the best (investment grade) to conservative investors, and low interest. • Other managers
Funds, Venture Capital, etc., more aggressive. sought, all cost, higher returns, among other reasons because these gentlemen come to the year-end bonus depending on the profitability.
• Problem: How to sell MBS of bad managers latter without being noticed too that they are incurring excessive risk?
• Sixth Review: The plot thickens and, of course, the Savings Bank of San Quirico continue making statements Expansion happy and content, discussing the proper functioning of the economy and Social Work are doing.
• Some investment banks were able, from a re-rating agencies (a re-rating, a word that does not exist, but serves to understand)
• The re-rating was invented to raise the rating of bad MBS, which consists of structuring in sections, which are called tranches, ordering, from highest to lowest, the probability of default and commitment to prioritize the payment to the least bad. Ie
I buy a package of MBS, which tell me that the first three MBS are relatively good, the three seconds, very regular and the three others, frankly bad. This means that I have structured the package of MBS into three tranches: the relatively good, very consistent and very bad.
I agree that if the tranche will not pay very bad (or as they say these gentlemen, if in the wrong section incur in default), but collecting some of the very regular and quite tranche of relatively good, everything will go to pay mortgages relatively good tranche, which automatically, this tranche may be rated AAA. Seventh
comment: in the "Comments IESE Economic Situation, January 2008, I've got most of what I am saying, we call this" financial magic "
• To finish rolling to San Quirico, these sorted MBS tranches were renamed as CDO (collateralized debt obligations, collateralized debt obligations), as they could have taken another exotic name.
Not content with this, the financial wizards created another important product, the CDS (Credit Default Swaps) In this case, the purchaser, who bought the CDO, assuming a risk of default by the CDO would buy charging more interest. So, bought the CDO and said, "if it fails, I lose money. If no failure, plus interest payment. " Following
inventions, created another instrument, the Synthetic CDOs, which have not fully understood, but gave a surprisingly high yield.
Moreover, those who bought the Synthetic CDO could buy very cheap bank loans. The difference between these interests very cheap and high yields of Synthetic operation was extremely profitable.
13. Coming here and hoping that ye not lost too much, I remember one thing that you may have forgotten, given the complexity of the operations described, that everything is based on the ninjas pay their mortgages and the housing market U.S. continues to rise.
14. BUT:
• In early 2007, U.S. home prices plummeted.
• Many of the ninjas realized they were paying more than their home was worth and decided now (or could not) continue to pay their mortgages.
• Automatically, no one wanted to buy MBS, CDO, CDS, Synthetic CDOs and those who already had failed to sell.
• The entire assembly was sinking and one day, the Director of the Office of San Quirico a neighbor called to tell him that good, that the money was gone, or, at best, had lost 60% of its value.
• Eighth comments: Go now to explain to the resident of San Quirico what the ninjas, the Bank of Illinois and the Chicago Trust Corporation. You can not be explained by several reasons: most important, because nobody knows where that money. And when I say nobody, I mean ANYONE.
• But things go further. Because no one-not-know the crap they have in banks that bought mortgage packages, and nobody knows, Banks begin to not trust each other.
• As they do not trust, when they need money and go to the interbank market, where banks lend money to each other, or lend it or lend it expensive. The interest that banks lend money in the interbank Euribor (Europe Interbank Offered Rate, or Interest rate offered on the interbank market in Europe), a rate which, as you can see in the term to 3 months EURIBOR this Dictionary, has gone up (now beginning to fall.)
• Therefore, the banks now have no money. Consequences: i.
noncredit ii. They do not give mortgages, so that Astroc, Renta Corporation, Colonial, etc., I start to go terribly wrong. And shareholders who bought shares in these companies, they see that the prices of these companies are falling sharply.
iii. The 12-month Euribor, which is the benchmark for mortgages has been rising, which makes the average English mortgage you have, start to sweat to pay monthly fees.
iv. As the banks have no money,
1. Sell \u200b\u200btheir holdings in
2. Sell \u200b\u200btheir buildings
3. Metamos campaigning for money, offering better
v. As people begin to feel squeezed by the mortgage payment, unless the Court is English.
vi. As the English Court notices, purchase least Mataró socks manufacturer, nor the ninja knew existed.
vii. The sock manufacturer thinks that as sold under socks, he begins to staffing and fire a few.
viii. And this is reflected in the unemployment rate, mainly in Mataró, where people start buying less in stores.
15. This is a dictionary of words. What happens is that the word "Crisis 2007-2008" is very serious. The title is misleading, considering that the crisis will end in 2008. Now comes another question: "How long will this last?
16. Well, good question, too. very difficult to answer, for several reasons:
• Because it still does not know the extent of the problem (the numbers vary from 100,000 to 500,000 million dollars)
• Because we do not know who is affected. It is not known if my bank, the lifelong, serious Bank and tradition in the area, has a lot of crap on the Assets. The downside is that my bank does not know.
• When in America, mortgages not paid by the ninja go running, that is, banks can sell foreclosed houses for the price it is, something worth the MBS, CDO, CDS and even Synthetic.
• Meanwhile, no one trusts anyone.
17. Ninth comment:
• Someone has described this as "The Hoax"
• Others have said that the Crash of 29, compared to this, is a game of girls in the playground of a convent of nuns.
• Many, many may have been enriched with the bonus that have been growing. Now, they lose their jobs, but the bonus will be saved somewhere, perhaps in a shielded enclosure that may be where more secure and protected from other financial innovations that can happen to someone.
• The financial authorities have a great responsibility for what happened. The Basel Accords, theoretically designed to control the system, have stimulated SECURITISATION up ends able to obscure and very complicated market to which it was intended to protect.
• The Boards of Directors of financial institutions involved in this great fiasco, have a great responsibility, because they have not heard anything. And that included the Board of Directors of the Savings Bank of San Quirico.
• Some rating agencies have been incompetent or not independent from their clients, which is very serious
18. End of story (for now): the main central banks (European Central Bank, the U.S. Federal Reserve) have been injecting cash flow for banks to have money.
19. Some experts say yes there is money, but what there is trust. In other words, the liquidity crisis is not a real crisis of trust of others.
20. Meanwhile, sovereign funds, or mutual funds created by states with resources from the surplus in their accounts (mostly from oil and gas) and the Funds of the United Arab Emirates, Asia, Russia, etc. are buying stakes in major U.S. banks to get them out of the jam they have gotten.
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