Dear reader, I got these thoughts from a very prominent professor of the country of Bolivia which is currently traveling the world and lecturing in various countries. The plant is a question that many of us have done more than once.
I leave with him to see what you think
When any individual who asks (Who am I?), Human society to which they belong often respond with interest born of racial stereotypes, religious, sexual, political, and today, mainly commercial and economic logic. The company builds and deploys stereotypes or sets all his might to convince us that we are that and also that when someone does not come close to these stereotypes, then it is a failure or a dangerous rebel. Why might this happen? Why so easily fall into the trap social and assimilated so deeply paradigms of a society, when in many cases it is aware of the banality of it, its superficiality. Perhaps the origin of all these confusions lies in the complexity of building an answer to the question who I am pushing to transform it into something closer, what I am.
The answer to who I am involves a deeply existential, autonomous, self, never much less mechanical and rationalist. No one can find that answer on behalf of another or to another. The road, that is, life must be passed by those who are committed to that question, living in depth, going beyond the superficial, leaving the surviving and dealing with life. What a curious thing it is so difficult to live for the vast majority of people. Human society has been getting so complicated that hardly if time permits. All come and go jumping from one thing to another with the fixed idea that the more jobs you have, the better. A human being socially important is usually someone with a very committed daily schedule. In the frantic race, is clearly no time to live, because living requires pause restraint, health, relationship, relationship, observation. And when you can not live, because the depth is not possible, then address the existence question we turn to what I am, for which only required to develop rational responses as indicated by K. Wilbert. Usually
who is abandoned by what I am, by the superficiality with which life is pursued. Today the human society, from production and consumption, strives to convince their members that are simply productive agents and consumers. Just that. So, rationally can build models or stereotypes supported by images of success, according to parameters of production and consumption that it defined society. Reaches those who do not usually identified and marginalized. It is noteworthy that in the past have given the parameters of religious, political or any stupid megalomaniac.
Insist on what I'm leads people to live lives borrowed or as proposed by Oscar Wilde: "Most people are other people, their thoughts are the opinions of others and their lives are an imitation, his passions are appointment of another person. " This creates a huge void since pursued existential images never cease to materialize. Those who live lives borrowed or taken from what he says to be, someday will inevitably fall into a deep fatigue to try something that is not possible. Living stereotypes and live lives pursuing borrowed (which indicate the parent or husband or wife or any social agent), it is extremely exhausting.
A good chance to answer to yourself who you are, through live or not live life just provided, is the Initiation into the Truth and Life. Started in truth not lies. Start in life not death. This should make an effort to assimilate.
The truth is the truth proclaimed by the consumer society is really made for Existence. While the consumer society we are surrounded by the vagaries of the have-do (it's what you have and if you're not, you are nothing) Existence proposed to be-being. Having wrong-doing arises from the principle on which all human potential is oriented to collect things, objects, about love, knowledge, a schizophrenic desire that often leads to dis-ease. There is a tremendous effort to have and to do whatever is coming even to the neglect which is summarized as upset, even feel bad that you have. It is not about not having, it's about what I have I have to me and always will be as well: feeling well. And it does not stop there. Just as we made a dual relationship and two-way between the have and do (consume and produce), from Existence itself being is also associated with being in a relationship dual and double track. Can not be without and can not be without. Now, who is in distress may not recognize what it truly is, anguish, suffering, prevents him. On the contrary, from welfare may realize that there is something that remains despite everything changes inexorably. Maybe you
this is another way of stating that health and consciousness proposed by the MAESTRO José Marcelli. According to the MAESTRO Marcelli, take care of the human health and cultivate the awareness of the sacred (the eternal and infinite potential.) And it is worth to take this opportunity to insist that the human and sacred, are two aspects of the same. They are not isolated from each other mingle, interact, support each other, coexist. So it is with the living and being. There is no limit or boundary between one and another, still is and still is. For the human being can not be without and can not be without. The only difference between the human and sacred and between being and being, is that the human and being are changing and changing and being sacred, no. Finally, the correspondence could be said to be is human and it is sacred. Moreover
has been said that the way the truth and life are one. So who lives not only not losing detail, but caring for them, attentive, observant, curious, ready to surprise and laughter, is alive. The aforementioned shallowness, distraction, carelessness, lack of humor, mechanization in everyday life, so bland and indifferent to belong to those who are dead in life, like walking graves also have been called. The truth of being and life must remain enriched, ie, with details, care, observation, curiosity, wonder, humor ....
So, walking from the True Life in it will find the answer to who I am, that's always been inside. Then you will understand the gentle smile of Buddha, the dance of Krishna, the radiance of Moses, the flight of Quetzalcoatl and deep confidence MASTER Estrada. Can say, I am that I am and not have to explain anything because his presence alone tell you everything. Guru Gerardo
Motoa, PhD.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Cake Bossfondant Recipe
Amazing Video : the tragedy of a people as expressed in sand
The people Ukraine should be recognized for their courage in at least two historical events: resistance Nazism in the Second World War and the sacrifice that brought many Ukrainians to contain the radioactivity resulting from the failure of nuclear plant Chernobyl. Without both sacrifices, the world could have faced devastating consequences: the triumph of fascism y. .. radioactivity. So I want to share this video I found on this site . In it, Kseniya Simonova a young Ukrainian, paints with sand, on a screen of light, the history of the Nazi invasion of Ukraine. The video is touching, not only by the talent of Kseniya, but the story it tells.

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