Dear reader share this knowledge I arrived by mail for some time and I find worthy of knowing.
is a Conference given in the Astronomical Society Planetarium
Alfa Alfa Planetarium JOSE DE LA HERRÁN
I leave you with this and see what you think
case are related to these two disciplines ...? Absolutely ...
Music What is ...? It is the most simple, the music is nice rhythmic sequences of the human ear.
... What is Physics? In the simplest form, the science that studies and measures the nature and so are laws that govern it.
Is it the music of birds singing ...? Yes and No, if it corresponds to the definition: A sequence of sounds pleasant to the ear and not, for surely for the birds, the notes they produce are a form of language to communicate among themselves and not a musical sequence itself, that is, meaning please your ears ... And ensure that because all animals of each species have some form of communication between them, but certainly, the cawing of the crows we can not consider
music ... Now, humans, over the centuries, becomes more demanding as they mature their intelligence and sensitivity, and with it, the sequences of notes are increasingly sensitive to the laws of physics, although he did not recognize at first. Then begins, first, to combine sounds and discover what there is dissonance, that is, the unpleasant effect that certain combinations of notes played simultaneously occur when, and on the other, discover the beauty of certain combinations of letters certainly are between a given mathematical relationship.
In this respect, were the Greeks, especially the Pythagoreans who began making musical physics, when considering the lengths of musical strings and thus, the numerical relationships that were pleasing to the ear for notes played together, there arises the trinomial: Music, Physics and Mathematics ...
And the next step was to confront what they called the musical scales, scales based on sequences deduced from the numerical relations between the notes ...!
We take a break to remember that musical note is a sustained sound pleasant to the ear. Here we explain a musical note is spread in the air as a longitudinal wave sound and its physical characteristics: height
frequency, intensity or volume and Ringer or waveform ...
The height of a note is acute or severe it is. A sharp note is that given a soprano in voice record and bass note is that can give a down, the intermediate marks correspond to the records of the mezzo-sopranos, the altos, the tenors and baritones.
The intensity is, how strong or weak note and does not require further explanation, the current corresponds physically to the amplitude of the sound wave.
The Ring or Waveform allows us to distinguish between two or more notes of the same height or frequency and intensity or volume, allows us to distinguish, again, the instrument or voice that produce them, if we listen at the same time a note of violin and given the same note on the piano, the timbre that allows us to differentiate.
Man, in their art form, begins to invent sequences of notes that are pleasing to the ear and called melodies; also discovers that he can invent an infinite number of these tunes, mathematically, with 3 notes can be 6 melodies ...
also discovers that singing a melody you can add another voice singer who, in another tone, follow the lead vocal harmony and the second strictly follows the laws that the Pythagoreans found more than 2000 years ago and those who are separated from those laws, no comment no offense, just generate other exotic types of music ...!
Now let's talk a little about musical instruments, they are capable of producing artificial plantations sequences of notes that have previously been calibrated in accordance with musical scales.
This is important to note that there is a global agreement to obey all the instruments to a musical scale which is the reference note piano central LA, but this paper is not exactly in the middle of typing you having a frequency of 440 cycles per second or 400 Hertz, physically speaking, that is to say, are the last that we can ensure a universal framework.
all know the variety of musical instruments that form a symphony orchestra:
Strings which are the variety of musical instruments that form a symphony orchestra:
strings are violins, violas, cellos and basses.
Metals: Trumpets, trombones, tubas, wood: Oboes, etc., Percussion, etc.
All polyphonic instruments mentioned are the keyboard, where the musical instrument, King of the instruments is the Body ...
As a prince have the portable computer. And recently a host of electronic keyboards of all kinds ... besides the guitar, harp, and many more tools ...
polyphonic Speaking of keyboards, I must mention that the musical scale developed by the Greeks in the past suffered dramatic changes, where the justification was math but its implementation was highly experimental, I mean tempered musical scale.
tempered scale rises and sets because, with the scale based on the work of the Pythagoreans, keyboards not allowed to touch a piece of music in any key, the issue is technical, but I will say that from a point of view the proposed mathematical solution composer, musicologist and mathematician English called Bartolomé Ramos de Pareja, he solved the problem mathematically, but did not reach its implementation, but look this occurred in the fifteenth century, just at the time of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus ...
was Juan Sebastian Bach, who needs no introduction, who applied the concept in a practical way tempered, driven by Ramos couple and honed his organs under this principle, with the result of playing any part in any of the 12 tones of the scale, and, to prove he wrote the wonderful work, his 24 Preludes and Fugues, 12 in a major and 12 minor key, thus being solved a serious technical problem.
The mathematical formula applicable Palm was the couple that tells us, to gain either a half tone next higher pitch, multiply the frequency of the tone by the twelfth root of 2 which is 1.05946 ... So to get from LA sustained pitch of 440 Hertz, multiply 440 by 1.05946 gives us 466, which LA is sustained, and so on until all the notes of the scale.
Mexico is world renowned for putting on the table, so to speak, the scales devised by our great Master violinist and musicologist Don Julián Carrillo, born in the nineteenth century, who, under the name Jericho "Sonido 13" designed scales based on other mathematical algorithms that generate micro tonic scales of as projecting the thirds based on tone (root Feb. 18) and the quarter-tone (following on February 24, etc.)., for them, he built special pianos, keeping the same keyboard, were tuned according to these new scales and course, composed music to prove them.
Finally, and from another point of view, the, say poetic, we have the song, or lied in German, which comes to a union between poetry and music may be sung a cappella, one or more voices or also with instrumental accompaniment.
And from there, through a variety of shapes and adding other arts, came to a very elaborate opera is that many think that brings together all the arts ...
As heard here, music and physics have been linked, through mathematics, like many other fields of human endeavor, from before that human being would have realized of such a union ...
where the human imagination can go deeper in this wonderful creation of his brain, which can range from creating the most simple and childish to the most abstract and profound human soul? We do not know, but we anticipate that it is likely that we have not yet reached the bottom of our musical ability, or the bottom of our feelings ...
Gentil Auditorium Thank you very much ...
JOSE DE LA HERRÁN lecture at the Planetarium
Alfa Alfa Planetarium Astronomical Society