Dear reader, today in my country say many things about the blessed influenza virus and practically in a state of alert since the entire Mexican population.
For my taste, I think more than a terrible epidemic is experiencing a pandemic of fear instilled by the media and relevant authorities. Now this is serious. As it is known that low fear the immune system and if it instills fear most certainly leave us vulnerable to our own defenses and apparently down our immune system's ability to protest what we do not like of the decisions our politicians regarding our Mexico.
is important to learn to take precautions to avoid spread of any kind, but without making a pandemic of fear that does not help anyone. What
mentioned on the immune system is something scientifically proven, and instilling fear is checked out to our compatriots. I put here an article that I put in my blog Health:
COMMON SENSE BOOK MADE OF HEALTH AND HEALING, by Dr. Richard Schulze. ____________________________________________________________
"... If you think the killer bacteria, Legionnaire's disease and flu malignant are bad, we
surprised to learn that the medical and scientific research have concluded that the most fearsome enemy to the body are not germs ...
... but the thoughts and words every day.
What's more, there is a nutrient more efficient therapeutic effects of the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, natural juices and herbs.
The brain is constantly working, every day of the year and every hour, does not close for holiday or on vacation.
of all, is the computer that runs the body, and regulates virtually every one of the functions metabolism and chemical equilibrium.
Since the nervous system to sexual activity to thousands of activities over which the reader has no idea, the brain is in charge, and is constantly creating, guiding, regulating, balancing and keeping the whole body each time of day.
Science has discovered that when you have a thinking brain produces substances that open what might be called a window.
When thought is finished, the window closes. For example, when you see the person of your dreams and feel love, that incredible feeling that travels through the body is not nothing but a chemical. When sexually aroused is that the body has released other chemicals, and when that bastard comes across at once without waiting for the car, and then the reader would like to have him a laser gun on the wheel to break that guy , the anger he feels, the corrosive acid that appears in the circulatory system or the stomach, that feeling is another substance secreted by the brain.
These substances secreted by the brain are called neuropeptides biology has spent years conducting research in this field.
What we know so far is that when you have a thought, the brain produces substances that affect the individual, and what it feels is the production and assimilation of these neuropeptides.
And here is where it gets disturbing thing
medical science made a momentous discovery over the last decade that has passed virtually unnoticed.
I knew that immune system cells, like all others, have dump stations in the membrane to absorb various substances.
What was found was that in the membrane of each of the cells that defend the body from bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and cancer-in fact, of all disease-specific point there is a load that receives the neuropeptide. What
immune system cares what you think, why give importance to the thoughts?
Do not sufficient as there are many microbes in the environment and the exponential proliferation of cancer? Do you find it indispensable
meddle in our lives and monitor private conversations we have with ourselves?
That's not all.
We have seen that the immune system spends time listening to our inner monologues while any cell or organ or other body monitoring device to another unless it is prepared to respond to the information it obtains.
immune response is influenced by thoughts.
The immune system not only listen, but reacts to emotional dialogue.
This is what medical science says, that the cells that defend the body have specific points of receipt of neuropeptides, substances produced by the brain with every thought.
And the response of these cells to pathogens varies depending on whether they strengthen, weaken or stop working completely because of these substances.
Everything we do has physical consequences, and what you see, so we thought. "
Dear reader, with the above we realize the gravity of this fear instilled, as we affectionately isolated from the custom of hugging and kissing hello and give us hand in greeting, it creates a lack of affection, and poor communication by isolating individuals and lowering their ability to immune defense, not only physically but in all aspects, including political . Les
annex the following analysis I did there:
QUESTIONS ABOUT THE VIRUS AND ITS POLITICAL RELATIONS. _______________________________________________________
never seen in my lifetime to close many public places for fear of an epidemic, it's scary to see how a disease can be panic the entire pobación. There is no vaccine, but there are drugs ... I stayed in that were over a thousand infected, about 60 dead but not all confirmed by the strange virus. How it all began? As I have understood is an Asian virus that entered our country by the United States, where there were 7 cases, and the main shoot has been in Mexico City and San Luis Potosi. But is not supposed to be highly contagious? Coming from Asia, why there is an epidemic over there? Why United States there were only 7 cases and none died? Why only in Mexico was given the epidemic?. Well I think we must be aware of the media to see what happens .... "But we seriously believe in them? when they demonstrated that they lie, manipulate information and create great stories? Actually I prefer not to believe. Let's see, Why Obama came to our country?, Why just after Obama appears to be the virus proliferates? Do you have something to do bacteorológicas pumps, which we know are only created by developed nations?, Why not talk of annexation of the Mexican Army at the Pentagon? Does the media have exposed as the years of war in which Mexico is now involved with the U.S. Army breaks our neutrality? Bone ... Now we are enemies of their enemies as well! Did they pass it on TV? have spoken of SPP (Agreement for the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America) and the aforementioned issues, as well as the new virus? I think not. And do not get me wrong the virus is here and people have died for it. But little do not find it strange that this started after Obama came to Mexico? and does not speak any of the SPP, where basically we are committed to helping the U.S. military, and we will have the same currency from Canada to Mexico (the Amero), among other things I recommend ke investigate. 3A% 2F% 2Fwww% 2Ehi5% 2Ecom% 2Ffriend% 2Fmail% 2FdisplayReadMail% 2Edo% 3FmessageId% 3D1880009926% 26senderId% 3D62100065% 26currentStatus% 3D0 & feature = player_embedded
Remember the attack on the twin towers? perfect excuse to go to war against Afghanistan and Iraq. What about the attack on Pearl Harbor? After the attack the United States entered World War II. And so many wars have come ... Why? Ah it is a very interesting theory of Naomi Klein: The Shock Doctrine. " Broadly speaking, states that when a society enters a state of shock, is more likely to obey and accept orders and actions of their rulers. But also have a society in shock, it is a good way to distract your attention. This is well explained in the video so .... HERE IS THE LEFT: THE SHOCK DOCTRINE: 3A% 2F% 2Fwww% 2Ehi5% 2Ecom% 2Ffriend% 2Fmail% 2FdisplayReadMail% 2Edo% 3FmessageId% 3D1880009926 % 26senderId% 3D62100065% 26currentStatus% 3D0 & feature = player_embedded
I'm not saying that this epidemic does not exist or the virus although it may be possible, just that it's strange, everything is so frightening ... there are still many conclusions to ponder ...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
What Can I Do For A Tortuous Colon
Keep your body warm dress them their need is your duty to take care
But it is permissible to steal
shelter not use fur
Remember ... That someone stripped
From what
life gave life to shelter them in
And if the cold is intense
And you look in need
not use cruelty
That your estate is your simplicity
not yours does not look so Leaving it unprotected
The animal in its nakedness
conclude these letters repeating the centuries that says "Do unto others what you do not want to" be plants, animals or people like yourself
I leave this link a video, I was not able to see in its entirety by the cruelty printed. sujiero You see it a bit so you know what I mean video = fur_farm & Player = wm & speed = _med
Celia Rivera Gutierrez Obregon Sonora, Mexico
PD.-Picture taken from: fur-and-the-worst-dressed /

Keep your body warm dress them their need is your duty to take care
But it is permissible to steal
shelter not use fur
Remember ... That someone stripped
From what
life gave life to shelter them in
And if the cold is intense
And you look in need
not use cruelty
That your estate is your simplicity
not yours does not look so Leaving it unprotected
The animal in its nakedness
conclude these letters repeating the centuries that says "Do unto others what you do not want to" be plants, animals or people like yourself
I leave this link a video, I was not able to see in its entirety by the cruelty printed. sujiero You see it a bit so you know what I mean video = fur_farm & Player = wm & speed = _med
Celia Rivera Gutierrez Obregon Sonora, Mexico
PD.-Picture taken from: fur-and-the-worst-dressed /
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